Guy Stress....

heidijo22 Posts: 44
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
So.. theres this guy.. who absolutely stresses me out! which makes me wanna eat! he is my ex and hes just an a**!!! he keeps coming around and wont leave me alone even after what he did to me! ( long story) how can i destress from him???? i honestly feel better not talking to him... but he keeps popping up in my life.. if he left why doesnt he stay away? and the stress hurts my diet! help!


  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    Some people just like to "mind screw" others. You can't control what he does, but you can control what you do on your end. I would ignore him at all costs, he is not worth your health.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    but wont he be jealous when he sees you looking better with out him??? :o) Use the anger he gives you as motivation for your workout! Thats what Ive been doing with school drama! When Im working out I picture how mad I am at things going on and it makes me work harder. plus-- u can think of the end result and throwing it in his face ;o)
  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    Make him a tool (not that he doesn't sound like one to begin with) every time you see him let him be a reminder to hit the gym. The stress he causes you can use at the gym for a good work out. Working out relieves stress. The more you see him the better you do at the gym. Of course he might come around more because of all the gym work you will be doing :)
  • There is a easy answer for that question. He's coming around because you let him. That is how a man who likes to manipulate does things. they like to know they can still be around or have some kind of a effect on you. so when they need you for something they know you will let them. I say that i know u probably love this person but the best thing you can do for your self and your ex is to show him your strong and your not going to take his abuse. focus on you. ignore his calls don't answer the door. my other answer would be come get a massage from me but your probably not in CO?
  • Aetarac
    Aetarac Posts: 135 Member
    Ignore him best you can. As one of the others who posted said it is likely a mind game for him. Knows it gets under your skin and he likes that he still does. Gives him a confidence boost or whatever.
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Go to the gym! When I get mad at my bf or roommate or anyone else I just go to the gym and get all my anger out! Try kickboxing or something.... it will really help! Or take a nice hot shower or bath itll take your minds off things!
  • Go to the gym! When I get mad at my bf or roommate or anyone else I just go to the gym and get all my anger out! Try kickboxing or something.... it will really help! Or take a nice hot shower or bath itll take your minds off things!
    thank you girl! ill do that :)
  • There is a easy answer for that question. He's coming around because you let him. That is how a man who likes to manipulate does things. they like to know they can still be around or have some kind of a effect on you. so when they need you for something they know you will let them. I say that i know u probably love this person but the best thing you can do for your self and your ex is to show him your strong and your not going to take his abuse. focus on you. ignore his calls don't answer the door. my other answer would be come get a massage from me but your probably not in CO?
    no im not there :( but ya he does take advantage of me and ill admit i do let him come aorund... i need to stop! thanks for the advice! hes only a waste of time! :)
  • but wont he be jealous when he sees you looking better with out him??? :o) Use the anger he gives you as motivation for your workout! Thats what Ive been doing with school drama! When Im working out I picture how mad I am at things going on and it makes me work harder. plus-- u can think of the end result and throwing it in his face ;o)
    that really helps thanks!!! and yes he would like the results.. and would regret he messed up.. more than he already does! thanks girl!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    go get it, giiirl!!
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