I am so disappointed in myself :(

leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I have the EA Sports Active 2 for Wii, and I have been doing fairly well with the program I have chosen. I opted for the 63 day program, about 4 times a week, 30-35 minutes a day, but I didn't strategically plan my workout days so well...anyhow, I am rambling. My point is, I am getting very burned out by exercising lately, and I missed 2 workout days this weekend, which I FULLY intend on making up, but the reason I am disappointed in myself is because I have actually gained all the weight back I lost. I am SO embarrassed to admit, but I am hoping to get some kind words or encouragement from some of you ( and I hope it to be sincere) I feel like I have let myself down, because now reaching my goal on time has been completely thrown off :( I am wondering if the amount of calories MFP has for me for intake is correct. I have been eating under my MFP cal intake daily, and I have tried other sites as well, and most of them say I must eat about 1000 cals MORE per day. Could that be a cause as well, for my slip back ? I look forward to advice or anything from you. Please, also, feel free to add me as a friend. As always, I wish everyone the very best of luck in your weight loss journey !!


  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    Hi there!! Try not to get too disappointed!! May I see your food diary please?
  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    hey shake it off and get back to it.. Look at your shirt in your picture. There is a reason you are super
  • just keep going! Tomorrow is a new day :flowerforyou:
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Ok, first off...I know you're feeling down, but you need to remember...what you are doing here is well worth it, and gaining some pounds back is NOT going to derail all of your hard work and determination!! We all gain weight...and this especially is a learning process. I have adjusted my calorie intake, exercise regime and general 'how I do things' several times to find what works best! Without seeing your food diary, it's going to be hard to give advice on that front, but as for the exercise...I've found I'm most successful by changing my workouts up. I vary between Zumba, 30 Day Shred, treadmill, Wii sports...whatever I'm in the mood for. Personally that works for me...I don't get bored.

    I'm going to send you a friend request, would love to support you on your journey!!
    Chin up girl, start again tomorrow :flowerforyou:

  • Could the weight regain actually be muscle gain? Just a thought. How are your measurements doing? Shrug it off and keep going. :smile:
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Its ok....if you make your food diary where we can see we may be able to see something that you dont see.....Also, I dont to dates on my goals cause if you dont make them then you get disappointed and may slide off. I mean its good to have goals but maybe not dates for them....You can add me as a friend if you like and we can help eachother.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    Its ok....if you make your food diary where we can see we may be able to see something that you dont see.....Also, I dont to dates on my goals cause if you dont make them then you get disappointed and may slide off. I mean its good to have goals but maybe not dates for them....You can add me as a friend if you like and we can help eachother.

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but..... I'm thinking you're probably right. I'm going to remove my goal dates. As long as I keep working at it, I'll get there sooner or later.
  • Hey we all have set backs, the key is not to let the set backs be the reason you give up completely. You just have to look at what went wrong and adjust. Sometimes things in life set us back. I was doing good and then had to travel for work and just being out of my normal routine threw me off, I wasn't able to make my own meals and had temptation all around me. I felt really discouraged, but once I got back home I just brushed it off and got back up and tried again. That is all we can do.

    About the exercise, try to mix it up. I find that I hate going to a gym and working out and I would always quit after a few weeks. So I have been trying to find things I like. I play sports, surf, hike, play video games that I move around with. Since you have a wii, try different games that offer variety. We don't eat the same cereal everyday, we need variety.

    You can do this, it won't be easy, but there is always support, not not alone.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Tomorrow is another day and you shouldn't be disappointed in yourself. What time are you working out? and when you say you are under your Caloric intake by how much? a little? a lot?.

    I personally work 3 jobs and try to fit exercise in everyday but sometimes I have slip ups or I too am exhasted to the point where the thought of exercise can make me want to cry.
    This past week my boyfriend and I haven't hit the gym at all, I feel guilty BUT I also realize that sometimes the body needs recovery time and most people say weight loss is 80% nutrition 20% exercise.

    Just be true to yourself, and if you can't get 4 days in because it exhausts you perhaps cut it down to 2 until your energy is back. I support you as well as many others on MFP!!! Tomorrow is a new day =)
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Its ok....if you make your food diary where we can see we may be able to see something that you dont see.....Also, I dont to dates on my goals cause if you dont make them then you get disappointed and may slide off. I mean its good to have goals but maybe not dates for them....You can add me as a friend if you like and we can help eachother.

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but..... I'm thinking you're probably right. I'm going to remove my goal dates. As long as I keep working at it, I'll get there sooner or later.

    Oh no not directed at anyone....I just know what happens to myself when I put dates...:flowerforyou:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Now that you all talk about my food diary, the more I think that that could be it..I look at cals, not much of anything else. And I am not giving up completely, I just want to try harder..I just don't feel too comfortable with sharing my diary quite yet, because as I think about it, some of my fat intake and others have gotten higher. I am under my daily cal intake by 100 or less usually. I thank you all for the advice, and I am taking everything into consideration. Tomorrow IS a new day, and I will try watching my food fats and etc more. Again, I thank you all very much, and if you haven't added me yet, feel free to..I hate being criticised for what I do or don't do, but you are all giving it to me constructively, and I need more friends like that to help me stay on track :)
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    We are all on the website because we are all "learning" to live a healthier life and lose weight. If we were perfect at this, we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't need to.

    I like the analogy of a toddler starting to walk. There are so many small little goals a toddler must accomplish in order to walk. First they crawl, pull up, hang onto furniture, and eventually they take their first steps. They always fall, but they just get right back up and try, until they master it. We as adults know that they need time to learn and there may be set backs. But we are always there to cheer them on. Good girl! Look! He's standing alone! She took 2 steps! We would never say, "I can't believe you can't get this. Just stand and walk! It's easy, put one foot in front of the other!" So why do we beat ourselves up when we have some set backs. Some of us have developed bad habits that have lasted years, decades! We need to be patient with ourselves. Celebrate the accomplishments. No matter how small they may seem. We need to keep positive, and know that sometimes we will "fall". We are learning. With perseverance and kind words within our heads we will one day be able to confidently walk down the road to a healthy, happy lifestyle.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    OK..as much as I am scared about what yall will find to be acceptable or not in my diary, I have made it viewable for friends only. I am scared of what you will say, but I need it in order to have the help and direction I need. **suck it up pam** ;) here goes nothing
  • If you've missed 2 workouts this week, trying to force yourself to "Make them up" later is only going to cause burn-out (and possibly injury from over-doing it). Let them go, plan the rest better. Have fun.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    If you've missed 2 workouts this week, trying to force yourself to "Make them up" later is only going to cause burn-out (and possibly injury from over-doing it). Let them go, plan the rest better. Have fun.

    I was going to say the same thing. I don't "fit in" my workouts anymore.. I schedule them!!! I know sometimes I have to be flexible, I'm a Mom and things do come up, but even the kids will say to me "aren't you going to the gym"??? It's pretty awesome that my whole family wants me to get healthy! I'm not the same person I was a year ago when I started excersizing... nine months ago really, now I look forward to my runs or my workouts, no matter what it is!!!! The main thing is I'm focused on my overall goal... living a long and healthy life!!!! Of course, I have a number in mind, but I also don't set time limits.. it will come off when it's supposed to come off... and it's coming off nicely with what I'm doing, so I'm going to keep doing it.. FOREVER!

    It's a life goal... not a diet. Just get up today and start over! Then do it again tomorrow.. and the next day.. and the next...

    Good luck.. you can add me if you want!
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