Need ideas for low calorie foods

I am having troubles staying under my 1460 calories a day. Most days I don't go over by much... but I can't believe how hard it is to stay under. I have definitely improved my portion control... and all of my meals are pretty small and yet I struggle to stay under my calories.... I'm finding that even though I am eating less, i am not finding foods that are low enough in calories to really make it count.

I know if I exercise it will give me additional calories that i can consume... but i don't have a lifestyle where I can work out everyday. I need ideas for low calorie foods for the days I can not exercise..

HELP PLEASE. Any ideas are welcome :)


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Your food diary isn't public so I don't know what kinds of foods you're eating. But generally, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy will help you keep calories low. And remember, you don't have to be under your calorie goal, you should be meeting it. If you're over by a little you shouldn't worry.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Maybe this will help! First hit on google:

    Also, as you change your habits, you'll find it takes less to fill you up. I'm still 83 lbs. away from my goal but, already, it's hard to meet my daily calorie goal. And it's set at a measly 1200! My appetite is so suppressed.

    Anyway, hope that link helps!
  • riebees89
    I don't know if you have found this yet...but It's been a huge lifesaver for me. It takes all those things that I am craving for, but modified for a lower calorie diet. Also, every single recipie has the calories marked clearly, and they are all really easy to do with not too many ingredients. And on the website they have a bunch of recommendations for prepackaged foods that fill those cravings too. (like Popchips instead of regular and so on!).
  • mandydanyele
    Special K Red Berry Cereal is AWESOME! It's what I start my day off with and it's only 110 calories before milk! I am also a fan of Special K Fruit Crisps that are only 90 calories for 2 bars!

    Hmmmm.....also low-fat or non-fat yogurt with a piece of fruit is really good (I usually have a banana or Apple Slices).

    I know this is just little stuff but it can really make a difference!
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    It takes some time for your stomach to get used to having less food inside of it. When I started, my calorie goal was 1300, and I was always pretty close but never there. A few weeks later, my calorie goal is 1250, and I have a hard time eating that much! So be patient with your body and let it shrink. In the meantime, there are some things to consider:

    Perhaps a meal replacement bar or shake for breakfast or lunch instead of a meal? It's an easy way to cut calories without sacrificing too much.

    Always drink your water before you eat anything!

    When snacking, think fresh- cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, green beans, corn, yogurt, fruit, etc.
  • lilbuddytatertot
    lilbuddytatertot Posts: 57 Member
    steamed carrots and brocolli- 67 cal a cup
    green lima beans-160 a cup
    chicken breast tender.. i dont remember the calories, but its not much baked
    thats my favorite things off of the top of my head, i'll post more if i think about it
  • Missy_Monroe
    Missy_Monroe Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone. These are all really great ideas.
  • Missy_Monroe
    Missy_Monroe Posts: 23 Member
    I'll try out the websites and links mentioned. I also made my food diary public if your interested. I know Im not always eating the best foods... not the worst by far, but not the best.... which is why i appreciate all these great ideas!!! Keep them coming!! :):):)
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    -fruit/ Raw veggies (salsa or hummus if you need dip for the veggies)
    - any special k snacks (so good!!!) special k cracker chips R 110cals for 30 of em! their fruit crips are awsome as well
    - low sodium deli meat (turkey, chicken breast) with slices of green pepper or red pepper rolled up in em are a good and FILLING snack
    - oikos 0% fat plain greek yogurt w splenda mixed in it to taste or even no-sugar added frozen berrys that you can thaw and mix in there (my new fav filling night-time snack)
    -100 cal packs popcorn
    -sugar free hard candies
    -sugar-free jello cups (10cals per cup!)
    -weight watchers or dannon light n fit yogurt (80 cals)
    -broiled fish, grilled chicken 4 low calorie dinners. also packed w protein to help keep you full
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am not the best at always staying under...but I'm getting this is just some stuff I can pass on. lol Your actually right around the same calorie goal as me. Mine is 1440.

    Okay I only looked at today on your diary...and I recommend Sara Lee 45 calorie bread! It saved my life! There is another bread that's even lower...but its not in stock as often (at least at the stores I go too)...but its Aunt Hatties Light - Stone Ground Wheat Bread.

    Mostly because I love bread...and with my lifestyle its the best thing...I can make toast, sandwiches etc.

    I'd also suggest trying Almond milk or possibly switching to skim.... I switched to Almond milk after seeing it all over MFP...its only 60 calories and its pretty good. I don't personally like it to drink, but in cereal or used in baking, shakes etc I can't even tell I switched.

    Whole Fruits and Veggies. I like to buy apples (easy on the go)...and grapes (I prep them in zip lock bags and freeze them)...for veggies I like to buy veggie trays.... Its cheaper to buy separately and cup up your own....but I found that I'm less likely to eat them this way. I also started throwing out the ranch that comes with them....the ranch dip (even if it says low fat etc) is usually like 100 calories per 2 tbsp...its ridiculous! Your better off buying your own ranch dressing if you want ranch...or better yet...just eat them without any. :)

    Fish Fillets - I like the pre-packaged ones. I can just take out one package at a time and cook them up. Usually 80-130 calories for 4-6oz ( it all depends on the fish type)

    And for sweet treats...I like Jello sugar free puddings (only 60 calories), and skinny cow truffle bars (100 calorie - comes in mint, chocolate, vanilla, and caramel)

    Your welcome to look at my diary. ( I also have some recipes w/ pictures on my blog) I'm really trying to fight back sodium (its evil I tell you) that is my current battle.

    PS - A food scale is actually a good tool if you don't have one. I am more of a estimator myself, but for certain things I've started to weigh them until I felt comfortable eye balling it again. Like I noticed the bag of potatoes I get says 1 potato (5.3oz) = 110 calories ...well I would just count the potatoes...until I got a scale...and realized 1 potato is actually so large its equal to 2 potatoes....and large is not very smaller than my hand... After that, I started to weigh more things just to double check myself. I've had the opposite happen as well, I would give myself this tiny serving of meat thinking it must be 6 oz...and really it was like I was jipping myself HALF the food I had written on my diary.
  • eggclectic
    eggclectic Posts: 9 Member
    I usually take a wedge or two of purple cabbage to snack on, frozen grapes, blue berries or strawberries to fill me up when I feel like just snacking on stuff. Also, drink a glass or two of green ice tea or hot tea or water before you eat, that will fill you up a bit and keep you from going over.
  • welcominganewself
    I definitely find that water helps. I try to drink between 9 and 12 cups a day. It seems hard at first, but it really helps. Also, like others have said, lots of fruits and veggies, epsecially veggies. I tend to lean towards baby carrots and celery. I see in your diary that you eat eggs alot for breakfast, I do too, but I have recently switched to just egg whites and that saves a lot of calories. Instead of butter try one of the lighter maragines, like I can't believe It's not Butter Light, or something along that line. Just read the nutrition facts on everything. It takes me longer in the grocery store because I am reading all the labels, but it amazes me where I have been able to save fat and calories. Hope all the tips you are getting are helpful. Don't give up!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    From what Ive seen....two things I recommend...cut down on sodium and drink more water........i sent you a friend request.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I find that soup helps alot, almost all of it is low in calories, also I use ground turkey instead of hamburger in most recipes.I also use bagel thins instead oIf regular bread, another thing I do is boil cauliflower with just a few potatoes then mash them up using seasonings and just a little fat free milk, it is really good.

    It looks like your eating out is killing your calorie count, when I eat out I look up the nutritional info before I go and decide what I am going to order. I dont look at the menu when I get there because I dont want to be tempted. There are several restraunts that have low cal items on their menus also, I know applebees does, also olive garden. this has really helped me. I hope this helps, You can do it
  • littlelionesslove
    salad salad salad. You can eat 3 cups of fresh spinach for under 50 calories. I like mine with Ken's Steakhouse LIte Honey Mustard, the dressing has 90 calories for 2 tablespoons...which is A LOT of dressing IMO. I usually do about half the dressing because I like my salads less soggy. Good luck!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I notice you don't eat much fruit...maybe you could try factoring some in? Also try some low fat/sugar yoghurt. I like greek yoghurt, but that's not for everyone!
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member

    Over time I think you will find it easier to be getting fuller with less calories.
    You might need to get an easy-to-carry calorie book like Calorie King to carry with you for a month or so, or if you have a smart phone, an app that allows you to look up calories for everything you buy or eat.
    Planning is essential, whether you are going to the supermarket, a restaurant, or a party.

    If I understand your diary correctly there are a lot of opportunities to change things up.
    Here are some idears...

    Switch from high-calorie bread to bread with 40 or so calories/slice -- there are many brands.
    Switch to low-calorie hot dog and hamburger buns.
    Switch to lean beef (93+ lean) for all beef meal preps.
    Find turkey substitutes for hot dogs, sausage, hamburger patties, etc.
    Switch from 2 % milk to fat-free milk, or 40-calorie/cup soymilk or almondmilk.
    Switch from full-fat cheese to low-fat or no-fat cheese
    Switch from regular mayo to light mayo
    Switch from 240-calorie cereal to 120-calorie cereal
    Eat less starches (pastas, rice, potatoes, breads) and more fibers (green vegetables, etc)
    Fill up on water.
    Fill up on lower-calorie snacks. Find something with less than 80 calories that will fill you up. I eat apples and grapes a lot.
    Fill up with low-calorie soups.
    Fill up with low-calorie protein -- and make sure your breakfast has protein.

    There are a ton of vegetables-in-a-bag ( for microwave steaming) that you can buy these days that will give you lots to eat with little calories.

    The trick for me anyway is to get full and stay full all day and to make it convenient to do so... and to make sure that what I get full on is not going to sabotage me.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    1 large carrot is around 35 calories

    an ENTIRE bag of broccoli and cauliflower (something like 12 oz?) is 100 calories!! If i'm feeling reall empty and low on calorie amount i have absolutely no problem eating 4 cups of broccoli, haha.

    Flavored oatmeal packets - these are for when I have a sweet tooth - are typically 140 calories. I get the high fiber kind. so I feel more full.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Your food diary isn't public so I don't know what kinds of foods you're eating. But generally, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy will help you keep calories low. And remember, you don't have to be under your calorie goal, you should be meeting it. If you're over by a little you shouldn't worry.

    Exactly this! It is very hard to be hungry eating natural, unprocessed goodies!
  • harleyquinn1504
    harleyquinn1504 Posts: 45 Member
    I had to start with a higher calorie count until I got used to eating around that much. I've since lowered it twice. It gets easier, but for me following the portion sizes on the boxes of stuff was what really helped me get lower. Cereal, pasta, and peanut butter were my hard ones. Some days I still go over, especially if we go out to eat, but overall I've gotten it under control. You are welcome to check my food diary for ideas. But since I just dropped down to the 1280 calorie intake, my past diaries all look like I was super over.

    But I've made cuts here and there. Like if I make a cheeseburger at home, I may not eat it on a bun if my calories are getting too high for the day. Or only eat one side with dinner. Etc.