Gnocchi & Cheese sauce

First of all, gnocchi is an italian dish, probably better known as potatoe dumplings, even better known as....delicious!

40 g light butter
40 g All-Purpose Flour
1 pint skimmed Milk
Pinch of Ground Nutmeg
1 package of premade gnocchi
and any grated/shredded cheese or cheeses you'd like

For the Cheese Sauce
1. Place the butter in a medium saucepan and melt over gentle heat. As the butter melts, gradually add the flour, constantly blending with a whisk.
2. When the butter and flour have combined to a smooth, thick paste, begin to add the milk a little at a time. Keep whisking until you have a smooth, white liquid without lumps.
3. Turn up the heat and bring the liquid to a boil, stirring constantly. When the sauce begins to thicken, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 5 minutes. Keep stirring.

4. For the gnocchi, cook according to packaging (place in boiling water, cook, bring to simmer, yadda yadda yadda) place the gnocchi into a serving bowl and drizzle with oil.

5. With the mixture at a low simmer, add the cheese, a little at a time.
6. Stir constantly until smooth and completely melted. Note: if the sauce looks too thick, add a little more milk.
7. Season sauce with salt and pepper, to taste. Remove from heat and serve immediately, over the gnocchi.

Side with a garlic french roll! Perfection!

Enjoy! :o)
