Had my wisdom teeth removed.

Almost two weeks ago I had my wisdome teeth surgically removed. The worst part was having to eat nothing but soft foods for like 5 days, and not being able to work out. On top of that I got an infection, and that put me even farther behind.

I had lost a quick 13lbs. and gained about 9 of it back within the first 8 days. It was totally deflating, but I think I'm back on track now. I got back to the gym this weekend, and am going back tonight, and hoping to continue every day. I'm back down the total 13lbs, but it was pretty traumatizing to look at the scale during that 8 day period, knowing I'm not eating muc food at all, at least not the stuff I want to eat, and to watch that number continue to climb.

Anyone experience anything similar?


  • 23sdlsdfoi98
    I had the complete opposite effect, when I had my wisdom teeth out I lost about 5 pounds because of my liquid diet. But I put that and more back on as soon as I could eat again. Granted this was about 10 years ago...
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I was pretty stagnant with my weight loss when I got mine out. I lived off of yogurt and slimfast tho.

    Just FYI they tell you that the holes in your mouth will heal within a month or two, mine still haven't closed all the way and I got mine removed in august... They lie!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Had something similiar happen to me last year after I had my gall bladder removed. I lost 13-14 pounds during recovery period of a week...bad way to lose weight..but I just couldn't eat anything. Everything made me sick to my stomach..and well I really didn't want to be sick..because that would have hurt.

    Once I got over that ...I was fine..but there are still things I cannot eat to this day...and well most of those things aren't really good for you. So it was a good thing. I think if you continue to go to the gym..and eating your calories..you will see it shift..also changing up your workouts can help...do something different to get off that plateau.

    Good luck!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I had all four of mine surgically removed at once. It took me weeks to recover. I ate chocolate milk and baby food (looking back, that was probably a bad idea, ewww). That was the worst pain EVER! I couldn't even walk without feeling pain and the pain meds just made me sick :( And recently I was ill with fever, migraines etc and wasn't eating and laying in bed for days!

    I lost weight quickly from laying in bed and sleeping all day, but I didn't gain it back. I was stagnant after that though, I didn't gain or lose. Just was stuck at the same number for a week or two.

    I only lost 5 to 8 pounds at most though, 13 is a lot.