I don't know what to set for my activity level

p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I don't know whether to set sedentary or lightly active for my activity level. My work changes daily so one day I may sit at a desk all day and the next I can be walking quite a bit and even up and down stairs all day. I also live in a 3 story town home so stairs are a part of my reality. On the other hand I love playing video games after my chores are done and my daughter is in bed. I have been set to sedentary but I am wondering if I should change it? I feel good (way better than I was a week ago) but kinda sluggish and not able to concentrate at times - I was told by my friend who is a personal trainer that this could be energy drink withdrawal, I was drinking 2 monsters a day until a week ago. Don't know what to do!!! Help!


  • i would keep it at the lower setting. If you have a day with increased activity, just note the total minutes and log it in the cardio section. Then you can account for the calories you need to eat
  • Stay positive. Keep it at sed. until you are making exercisxe part of your daily life for 2 weeks then change it. You will probably feel good knowing that your daily activity is up. The slugg is probably from no energy drinks, two a day wow I'd be going through withdrawls too. Keep a lot of water in your system and healthy foods every 2 hours, that should help some with the energy level. Keep up the good work!
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks all! It is just rough in IT my job changes daily and I wasn't sure how to manage that :) Thanks for the help.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Just understand both numbers and know that when you have a more active day you can eat 200-300 calories more.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Just understand both numbers and know that when you have a more active day you can eat 200-300 calories more.

    This. On the days you have an active day and spend *most* of the day on your feet, add in the extra cals as exercise. But otherwise, leave it at sedentary. That's what I do. It helps motivate me to see how many calories I burn doing various things, so I'm more likely to do more stuff. Like vacuuming. :laugh:
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