Empty feeling through out the day.

Hi fellow weight loss pals,

I am in my first week, 6th day to be exact, and I feel empty most of the day. After I have a meal, the feeling comes back within an hour. Is this how it will be the entire 6 months it will take to lose the weight or do our bodies adjust?

I just wondered if this is normal. I am no longer having headaches which is nice. I don't think it was from coffee withdrawl as I am still drinking my morning cup of coffee. Can you have sugar withdrawl headaches? I know I am eating substantially less sugar.

Thanks for your help,

Connie Lynn


  • amandaj81
    amandaj81 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I had the empty feeling to, I've been eating fruit or a south beach diet snack bar in between meals , they only have 100 calories, sometimes I have to do both I'll eat some fruit & I still get hungry so I have a snack bar. I hope this helps
  • takisha
    takisha Posts: 2 Member
    I feel it too. You hang in there - it takes willpower. Plain and simple. Changing the body for the better and healthier is hard work. It is! And applaud yourself for it. I Applaud You!
    It is a great achievement and venture. Know you have the strength to do it!! It will be hard....but the hard doesn't become easier...I think that our society mindset is unfortunately tuned to think towards "If I do it long enough, it will be easier?" Nope.. But enjoy that it is Hard. Relish it. Work it, girl. :)
    While you drink that green tea, or eat that lean grilled chicken with asparagas - relish it, and relish that you are fueling your temple. This is For your Temple, and know that; for as you do so - you eliminate the uncertainty of the emptiness, and build the realization that the emptiness is just that. A void.
    It's not just "an empty tank", but a tank that is used to what it was Once Given. The Temple will worship what it is given...but when given the pure (clean food!), it is hard to get used to the temple Using it All Up. High grade Fuel Baby! That's what the body needs. An empty feeling means you are using what you need! Have some H2O and Rejoice!!
    I think - - - it becomes a lifestyle. Push yourself and relish your workouts - your great eating style......
    Which is Not easy, but a STRENGHTH.
    So, when friends note on your will power to "avoid", know that it is true inner strength, and the will to be a better you.
    You become adapted, not just un aware - of the fact that you crave a "doughnut" or "burger".
    You will find that you will crave it, but will Go For a Grilled Chicken something :). And in the end, it will be satisfying, and feel good. (but, once a week, give yourself one meal to cheat. We are only human! Try to cheat on a day you know an extensive workout will balance it).

    I have heard thru Nutritionists that you just have to power though it. There has been no advice out there I can find - and it would be nice if there was an easy fix!
    Try drinking a great amount of water, or - if you are having tea or coffee, add some whey protein. It gives the body a sense of treat (as far as nutritional value! It isn't like a yummy cheat snack, although it is yummy <try in oatmeal or cereal. it is great. vanilla at Trader Joe's -$7 bucks for a good amount>, it gives the body something healthy to mull over).

    Hang in there. You deserve, and can do it :)
    May the force be with you

  • thatATLgirl
    thatATLgirl Posts: 60 Member
    I find that eating a little fat helps. For instance, a handful of almonds, or maybe 1 tablespoon of almond butter or crunchy peanut butter. That tends to tide me over rather than eating some fruit or something.
  • JuliannaUnderhill
    Hmm. To me, that empty feeling tells me I am burning calories. If I am hitting my calorie and nutrition goals, I assume I am OK health-wise and I don't worry about it. This is assuming you are not talking about hunger, or hunger pangs. If you are feeling hungry, drink a glass of water and wait ten minutes to see if you were just thirsty. If you are still hungry, eat a bit of protein with some fat. A fail safe for me is 1/2 chicken breast with 1/2 slice of swiss cheese melted on it. Works every time!
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    Yowza necrograph! The original post was from 2006!