You Guessed It ; Im New!

Brittany. 20 years of age, trying to lose 35 pounds by the summer. I really need you guys help.


  • sewsteffey
    sewsteffey Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome! I just started a weekish ago, and am trying to lose 70 pounds.. good luck on your journey!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    good luck :) my goal is 41 lbs. but i'd like to lose at LEAST 25 before summer. just remember to log EVERYTHING you eat.. the butter on your toast, the sugar in your coffee, the ranch you dip your veggies in.. it's easy to forget the little things! if you need any specific help feel free to message me or add me!
  • Charli666
    hi, feel free to add me if you want extra support!
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    welcome..and good luck..
  • Solomonre0
    Solomonre0 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place. You can can totally reach your goal. Think how amazing you're going to look in your swimsuit this summer!!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Welcome! You can add me as well. Good luck!!
  • lisamarquez
    Hello everyone. I am also new. I would like to get ideas from everyone so that I can reach my goal.
    It seems I have come to the right place. you all seem so willing to help. I can be added as well. I did a similar program to this however the support started out great, and then just fizzeled out.