Been about a week

I've been here for about a week. Very motivated to do this. Some of the other nurses I work with use this site and they love so I think it will work. I have been a yo-yo WW person for the last 7 years. Wow. Just realized how long! I need something more. I would rather spend my money on my awesome YMCA membership and ten weeks with a trainer. Which I am loving! I have about 120 pounds to lose. Yikes! But I am motivated. I will weigh in tomorrow.


  • jimmydeanbakker
    You can lose a ton of weight on this site, but you have to use it to lose it. You have to log every day, every meal, and everything you put in your body; and as long as you don't see too much red under your calories, you'll start dropping weight like no tomorrow. The weight will fall off nice and easy, but it takes time.
  • kellykris
    you can do it! the same thing happened to me with weight watchers. i finally just realized after 8 years, its not working for me anymore!!

    this is a lot of fun, be sure to hit "complete this entry" when your done logging your food and exersize for the day. its a great motivator to see how much weight you could potentially lose in 5 weeks if you do it correctly!

    good luck!!! :)
  • irishmama2004
    irishmama2004 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the support. Yes, yesterday was the first time I actually completed the day. I guess I would eat that last item and knew I was under calories or right around there so I just never bothered to log in one more time. I was so excited to see what happens when you actually complete the day. So now I will always complete the day.
  • NoMoreThickyMickey
    Just take it one day at a time dear... You'll see results :))