What else do you do to take care of yourself?

redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
So we're all in this healthy lifestyle boat together of eating healthier and exercising more, but I am wondering what other things you have started doing, or bad habits you have quit doing, in order to take care of yourself overall?

I have quit biting my nails, I have started taking better care of my teeth with brushing and flossing twice a day, and I have also been trying to take better care of my skin and face. I used to have bad acne as a teen and it has persisted into my 20s. I always had the bad habit of popping the zits (totally gross, I know!) but I've been fighting it lately and trying to take better care of my skin. I found that having the determination of losing weight and eating healthier has a way of spilling over into other areas of my life and I will be a better person overall for it!


  • foxy_chick
    Ive started to take a bit more pride in my appearence.

    Previously I would pretty much buy whatever fits and not spend a fortune etc etc.

    However this month and in the months to come Ive put aside a tiny bit of my wages to spend on something for me. This month Ive bought a couple of new tops and when I get paid again Im going to treat myself to some new underwear :blushing: . Im hoping this will also build up my confidence and self esteem which Ive always had issues with! x
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    Everyday I go through a list of stuff that it's my goal to do daily, weekly, and monthly. It sounds nitpicky but it keeps me accountable, even if I don't do everything. I take responsibility and move on. This includes logging my food everyday and exercising 4-6 times a week. But it also includes washing & moisturizing my face twice a day, brushing twice a day, flossing & mouthwash at night. My hair is colored so I keep up a regular schedule of washing it every third day and conditioning in between. I try (though not always successfully) to shave my legs every other day. I take daily vitamins. I drink at least one tea a day, and make sure I get a min of 80 oz of water, not counting while working out. I tweeze my eyebrows twice a week. I do a face mask once a week. I get a bikini wax every other month, and get regular haircuts, teeth cleanings, and physicals.
    I also track my money and keep an eye on my budget religiously. Not exactly physical wellness but very much necessary for my overall well being. I've always been bad with money so I need my budget and it helps me not only be responsible with my money but also spend money on me when I want to.