Snacking before dinner! Help!

Hi! I'm Lia. I'm new here. I am really good about eating healthy at work - my problem is when I come home and start making dinner I probably consume an extra 300-500 calories just by snacking before dinner. Even if I eat a snack before I leave work I still come home starving and can't wait to eat! It must be a mental thing... what do I do??? Has anyone had success with available appetite suppressants? Any tips on getting through the hunger?


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I would think it is not that big of a deal if you snack smart. Snack on sliced cucumber or baby carrots or celery sticks with fat free ranch. Veggies are really low in calories so you would not consume nearly as much as presently. Try a glass of skim milk. That is what I do. Milk seems to "fill me up" more than what water does. Also, something that works for me is to not have the junky foods in the house at all; if they are not available, you will not eat them. I tried Adipex a few weeks ago but had some negative side effects, however, a co-worker did great on it. It all depends on the person I suppose. Good luck!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Vegetable dippers--baby carrots, pepper sticks, etc.
    Popcorn very filling, but watch the quantity

    I just plan a pretty substantial snack into the afternoon, also, because I know I'm going to eat.
  • B24kdusted
    For me, this is where water intake is key. Water helps keep your stomach (feeling) full. When you have your snacks if you are eating fruits, eat a protien with them. Fruit has quick energy (natural sugars) and once you burn those calories your body needs the long haul proteins that you can get from nuts (stay away from high fat nuts like cashews and pecans). Hope that helps!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I keep a small crock pot on the back of the counter where lots of my veggie leftovers goes (e.g,. celery tops, cabbage cores, etc). It's mostly water, and I don't add salt-- so it's filling and READY the very minute I walk in the door. And it really cuts down on the kitchen-munching
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I have the same problem. For the first time yesterday, I had my afternoon snack when I got home and it really helped me not snack on the wrong stuff.

    What I ate was Vanilla Chobani with a 1/4 cup of Kashi Go Lean Almond Honey cereal. It really was a great snack providing good fats, protein, fiber, and good carbs.
  • adriayellow11
    Hmm I don't cook (partly b/c I'm afraid of the same problem) but what if you prepared dinner before you got home and had it in the fridge waiting for you?
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    when you get through the door, drink a BIG glass of water, then put a piece of gum in your mouth and don't take it out till you are ready to sit at the table for dinner. Never eat standing up!