Introducing. . . ME!

Today is my first day at My Fitness Pal, and so far the site looks awesome, and its FREE; off to a great start!! I got back from a 3 week vacation to Europe the beginning of January and then spent 3 weeks sick. My eating habits are far from my normal 80/20 ratio I usually try to follow. For some reason junk food and large portions have been controlling me since I returned from my trip. I just feel out of wack and could really use someone to kick my butt and help me get back on track.

June 19th is my 2nd triathlon and I need to get serious with eating cleaner and smaller portions. Getting exercise is not my issue, I love it and don't miss it, pretty much daily. If anyone has ideas on how to crack down with portion control and a nasty sweet tooth I'd love to hear the suggestions. Thanks!!



  • dcdc13
    dcdc13 Posts: 86
    Welcome!! you will love this site. I think it's a great tool to keep you motivated, stay on track with your calories and your excercise.
  • Griffin90
    Griffin90 Posts: 64 Member
    This is a great site. Lots of resources and easy to work with.

    Add me as a friend if you want.