Hips and Sides


Does anyone have any good tips for getting rid of hip fat, or "love handles" ?



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Cardio and a good healthy diet. There is no magic potion or exercise, we just can't spot reduce
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    No, you can't spot reduce, but you can tighten up the muscles under the fat. Do side planks and sideways leg lifts. I've noticed some shrinking of my upper thighs just from marching in place, stepping kind of side-to-side so I can feel it in those hip muscles. The fat is still there, but I'm losing inches just from toning up those flabby muscles.
  • kellykris
    theres a machine at the gym.. i dont know what its called but it is on a tilt, you start out with your knees on the pads and your kind of at a 90 degree angle and you lean down in a crunch position, then you can do it on each side, you first stand facing left and lean to the left, and then you put your right leg against the pads and do it that way..and you can even hold those circular weights to make it more difficult. i always feel it on my sides like immediately when i get home. its my favorite machine. lol.