keeping it going

Hi Everyone

I found this site this morning after spending the weekend beating myself up!

I'm 5'3 and recently married (not even 6 months) to a wonderful navy guy who measures in at 6'3! On his birthday last year (11/11/10) we both decided to get our act together and lose the fat. He of course made awesome progress and is at goal and maintaining. Me ... not so much. I've gotten 48 lbs off but I have been playing around with about 5 lbs the entire month and I'm tired of it so today is the first day 100% back to the game! I AM going to get the last 15 off before my honeymoon (3/20/11) and then will be heading straight on to my High school weight!

I'm hoping that this site will help me stay focused and not stray .. weekdays I'm great because of the strict work stuff - bring only what you will eat. But its the nights and weekends.

Thank yo ueveryone out there for just being there!


  • xander395
    You CAN do it girl! :)
  • mrshodgy
    well done and keep up the gud work...i have been on here for 2 wks and it does help keep u motivated!! i have a 4 month old baby boy and want to lose 21lbs...!!