Changing your starting weight

Hi guys! Does anyone know if we are supposed to change our starting weight every time we weigh in (if we have lost)? The only reason I wonder, is because your weight affects how many calories you consume per day, and since I'm weighing 11 pounds less, do I need to update this??

..I'm so confused!
Thanks all!


  • ziggygirl2003
    ziggygirl2003 Posts: 33 Member
    As you enter your new weight, MFP will automatically recalculate your calories for you. That happened to me once when I entered my new weight I noticed that my calories went from 1700 down to 1680. Not a huge difference but the weight I lost made it change. If you alter your starting weight then you pounds lost will not be accurate, and I like to see that number keep getting bigger and bigger. So don't worry MFP does the work for you.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Every 5 lbs or so that you lose, you can re-calculate your base calorie budget by going to My Home => Goals and clicking the Change Goals button.
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    goodness, yes! Go to MY HOME - CHECK-IN, then where it says ENTER TODAY'S WEIGHT - that keeps track of how much you have lost compared to your starting weight. DOn't ever change what you started at because that keeps up with your progress.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I update mine about once a week.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    As you enter your new weight, MFP will automatically recalculate your calories for you. That happened to me once when I entered my new weight I noticed that my calories went from 1700 down to 1680. Not a huge difference but the weight I lost made it change. If you alter your starting weight then you pounds lost will not be accurate, and I like to see that number keep getting bigger and bigger. So don't worry MFP does the work for you.

    You are right!