10 minute solution dvds



  • j9riter
    j9riter Posts: 20
    10 minutes is 10 minutes...the negativity is not encouraging - sometimes that is all the time a busy mother has during nap time or whatever. The 10 minute solutions are typically 40-50 calories burner during each 10 minute section.

    there are some days when all i can seem to manage is 10 minutes, but i'm glad i get them in.

    bodyrock.tv is another great place for some 15-minute videos. Free, and they kill me!!
  • gaynoreckersley48
    gaynoreckersley48 Posts: 3 Member
    :smile: put it in google and check ....30 mins burns 149 calories x
  • gaynoreckersley48
    gaynoreckersley48 Posts: 3 Member
    hi I just google it and 30 mins burns 149 carlories hun x:smile:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Not much of a fan of those kind of DVD's but those knocking 10 minute workouts have obviously never done proper HIIT.

    6 x 30 second sprints can burn more body fat than 30mins-60mins on the treadmill if done to the correct intensity.
  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    I've got the belly,butt and thigh one and think its really good even if you only do 1 segment you can feel it.
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    I agree 100% cudos to you for doing ANYTHING! 10 minutes is great if its all you have...not everyone has the time or money to spends hours working out at the gym!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have the beachbody 10 minute trainer but I'm not sure what the difference is in exercise between that one and the one you have.

    Last time I did one of the videos I believe I burned about 75 - 100 calories for the 10 minute workout. That was putting in full effort.

    Could you enter it in the tracker? Maybe something like aerobics, circuit training, etc? Based on what type of exercise the video has you do.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    10 minutes is 10 minutes...the negativity is not encouraging - sometimes that is all the time a busy mother has during nap time or whatever. The 10 minute solutions are typically 40-50 calories burner during each 10 minute section.

    This. I can't tell you all how many times a longer workout has been interrupted by my 10 week old.
  • sharonperk
    sharonperk Posts: 1
    I have the 10-minute solution DVDs and I love them! When I was doing them all the time, my son kept telling me he noticed the difference. Life happened and I stopped. I've decided not to let "life happen" again! I am going to exercise at least 6 times a week (it's good to have a day of rest) and if all I can do is one of my 10-minute jobbers, by golly I am going to do it. I really love the 10 Minute Solution: Carb & Calorie Burner's "Carb Killer" workout. But any of the Jennifer Galardi's ones ROCK! I have "Fat Blasting Dance Mix" and "Dance it off and tone it up."

    I just got a free trial to DailyBurn so giving that a try. This will be day six! Wish me luck :)
  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    I just got the blast off belly fat one, did the first 3 last night. OMG Does the first section kill!
  • Smeather12
    Smeather12 Posts: 1 Member
    I did the 5 day get fit mix in college and lost 10 lbs in about a month! These workouts do actually work, and you feel tired after you're done. I started out doing one, then adding another for 20 minutes, and by the end I was doing 30 minutes every other day and 10 on my off days (with one day completely off). So awesome for a person who can't afford a gym membership and doesn't have time for long workouts!
  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    I agree they are great. Although not for high cal burn but just to get you off your backside to do something I really enjoy them.
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