did you quit smoking or are you trying?

how did you/are you doing it? i just can't! i'm trying really i am i just can't! i quit soda and coffee cold turkey not to mention the cakes and cookies but smoking i just can't do. i want this as much if not more then the actual weight loss but besides the actual physical addiction i am afraid! i don't want to replace smoking with food. i want this for not only myself but my children. my 8 year old son freaks out everytime i go outside because he know i am smoking and i feel horible but i go out anyway. i need help!


  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I quit Jan 5, 2010. I just put them down and quit cold turkey. The first 3-5 days is the worse, then it starts getting easier and easier. GL, you can do it!

    And, chew gum (arctic chill is my favorite) or exercise when you get a terrible craving, instead of eating.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I quit several years ago but it was due to a friend of mine that had a terminal lung disease. He had never smoked a day in his life so I figured if he could get Pulmonary Fibrosis being healthy, I could sure do it being unhealthy. I just quit smoking one day. Had a few slip ups but now, the smell of it makes me sick and I avoid it!

    Alot of people suggest chewing gum or you might just have to go the route of medication to help you kick it! Good luck!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    After 27 years of 30 ciggies a day I stopped cold turkey, I have just passed my one year anniversary being smoke free.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    My husband and I are trying the same thing right now...We have foundaelectronic cigarette that works wonders for us....It is called the Joy 510....It is just like inhaling a real cigarette and it even makes you cough if you draw to much...It does have nicotine, but its available without and there is no second hand smoke even though it looks like it. It water vapors....Here is the link.....
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I haven't quit, but I want to. I'm thinking of setting a 2 week goal. Want to friend me, and do it together?
  • jennifer293
    jennifer293 Posts: 5 Member
    My mother quit 5 weeks ago using the step program nicotine patches. For the first 3 weeks on them she refused to leave the house for anything because she did not want to be anywhere that she would smell it on someone or anywhere that she would be tempted to buy cigarettes. She has realized in her case it was not the nicotine she really wanted but the oral fixation that came along with it, so now everytime she feels uneasy or tempted she grabs a dum dum lollipop and sticks it in her mouth. It is apparently working for her and my dad is home with her all day so he knows she is not cheating this go around. I have never smoked before so I cannot tell you that I know it is hard to quit, but it seems like you have some very good reasons to want to quit. Good Luck to you :smile:
  • BrittBritt117
    I just quit *again* about a month ago! Honestly the only way I can do it is cold turkey and support....try setting a date so you can mentally prepare yourself. The first, say, three days are the worst of all, but after that it gets a lot easier. =) Especially if you have other people cheering you on and no one else smoking around you! I like to chew gum or mints (pro: good breath instead of bad, smoky breath!) and just try to keep busy to keep my mind off it! I also like to *try* to think positively....you can tell SUCH a huge difference in the way you breathe! Try exercising harder, and you'll see what I mean. Saving ~$30/week helps as well. GOOD LUCK! :D
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    :drinker: edited due to husbands feeling that i am to open about my past lol
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I quit over two years ago and the first few days were the hardest for me. It gets a LOT easier but you have to be disciplined. I replaced my addiction for nicotine with food and gained most of my weight because of it. So if you're already making sure you're eating right and are working out, you should be fine :)
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I quit about 5 years ago. I just set a date that I would quit, got some folks to buy in to try it with me and then counted down to the date. Me and a couple others from the original 7 or 8 are still smoke free.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I quit just a little of 5 weeks ago. I hate to say but it hasn't been terribly hard, not like the numerous other times that I tried. I just decided that if I was going to try to eat healthier and exercise more that smoking was counter productive for me. That and I wanted to be able to keep up with my workout videos without having to stop every few minutes to hack a lung. But I was also ready for it. I think that it has to be something that you are completely ready for otherwise it won't work. Good luck =)
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    I quit back in Nov (2010) cold turkey, after a few days the physical side of having a cig, after a meal for example more or less went but the mental side of it is a lot harder to overcome, if I'm at home, I wonder outside with the dog into the garden like I used to do when I smoked and it seems to really help, you walk back inside and feel better and I drink plenty of water.

    It's not easy but if you want it as bad as it seems you can make it work, just tell yourself you are no longer a smoker! I sometimes forget I used to smoke now so it gets a lot easier :)

    Good Luck

  • Marcia_11
    Marcia_11 Posts: 143 Member
    I want to quit but I think for me, I need to get the eating under control first. My plan/goal is to quit smoking once the weather breaks so I can get outside and work in my garden and flowerbeds. I just know that with this winter weather keeping me cooped up inside, I'd never leave my fridge! :laugh:
  • blakeym
    blakeym Posts: 97 Member
    I used Chantix. It worked for me. Not had one in over three years now. Was full time for twenty years.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    I want to in the worst way, but I don't think I am ready for it yet..I mean I am, but just can't seem to find a stopping point that I can get to yet. My biggest fear is gaining weight ( I heard it happens) And, like you, I don't want to turn to food as a replacement. You can add me if you like for support, and I wish you the best of luck.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I quit several years ago but it was due to a friend of mine that had a terminal lung disease. He had never smoked a day in his life so I figured if he could get Pulmonary Fibrosis being healthy, I could sure do it being unhealthy. I just quit smoking one day. Had a few slip ups but now, the smell of it makes me sick and I avoid it!

    Alot of people suggest chewing gum or you might just have to go the route of medication to help you kick it! Good luck!

    I quit 6/13/10 the 15 yr ann of my dad's death cold turkey. I had smoked the better part of 10 yrs. My dad was a chain smoker who died of a massive heart attack @ 56. I sit across the wall @ work from a lady who smokes and it makes me sick to smell her.
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I quit cold turkey on July 10, 2007. Don't ask me why I can remember that date, because it was just an ordinary, uneventful day. It wasn't easy to do this and there were days that I would've done just about anything for a cigarette, but I finally got to a point where I wanted to quit more than I wanted to smoke. I smoked for over 20 years and was as addicted to it as anyone, so I know you can quit if you truly want to. I honestly believe that when your desire to quit smoking becomes greater than your desire to smoke is when you will quit. Good luck to you!
  • Boomerof51
    Boomerof51 Posts: 44 Member
    My husband and I quit 2 1/2 years ago with the assistance of Chantix. It really seems to take the edge off those first couple of weeks. I wish I'd had MFP then. It definitely would have helped me focus on exercise and calorie control. I suggest staying away from places and people who smoke for several months and put your energy into exercise. A few extra pounds are much easier on your body than the effects of smoking. You can do it!!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Quiting is easy. I did it a dozen times. Staying quit is tougher. Last time was January of 2005. I did it with a combo of the patch & pill (welbutrin?). It actually was pretty easy for me. The huge weight gain I got is another story though. Talk to your doctor.
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    I smoked for 15 years, started when I was ten years old and was a three pack a day smoker when I quit in one day. He's how I did it. My oldest son had been sick since birth. I never smoked in the house or in the car. No one could tell me what was wrong with him, but he was deathly ill all the time. One day my sister in law asked me to see her kids dr. At one point in the visit, the dr asked to me if I would leave the room. It was just he, the nurse and and my son for a few minutes. I worked for a social service agency at the time, so I figured they just wanted to ask him some private questions and I had nothing to hide, so I had no problems with it. When we left, the dr gave me no real info but asked to see us again in two weeks. As I was walking to my car, I lit up a cig in the parking lot and my then 5 year old son threw himself on the ground and began hysterical crying. I tried to pick him up but he was just totally resistant screaming "You want me to die! The doctor says I'm deathly allergic to cigerettes and if YOU smoke I will die!" I was caught between wanting to shove my pack down the throat of that dr or thank him for saving my son's life. And just like that, I put out my cig and threw out my pack and have never picked up another one since. That was ten years ago and I've never missed it. My husband quit that day also and has never had another one either. Make it a matter of life and death. It's that simple.