sick of life getting in the way: a rant

I seriously can't take it anymore. Once the holidays were over I thought "oh this is finally it! No more road blocks, smooth sailing until summer!" But I was so wrong. First of all, I'm in college, and drinking is just a part of what I do on the weekends. Sure, I could just not drink, but it's so much easier said than done. I'm sick of trying to work out a ton to compensate, or drastically reduce what I eat to make up for it. I have made a huge effort to stick to diet mixers/light beers, but it adds up so fast! And then of course there's the drunk munchies and hangover hunger. And my boyfriend can eat and drink whatever the hell he wants and not gain any weight ever, so that doesn't help. He is supportive but seeing him get to eat everything really wears me down after a while. There was the superbowl (yeah packers!!) where I went to a huge party and ate way too much. And then there was valentine's day, where my boyfriend gave me chocolates and candy, which was very sweet but not helpful at all. And now this weekend is his birthday, as well as my roommate's birthday, so of course there are plans for every night to go out to dinner and drink and all that. And then, in two weeks, I'll be going on vacation with my best friend and her family for spring break. She is someone who does not care about nutrition and that's going to be an entire week of diet disaster I'm sure. I just feel like for every good day I have, I have two or three bad days and I don't get anywhere. It's so frustrating and I just feel like giving up and saying "why bother?!' I know this post is really negative but I just need to rant. I hate the feeling that I'm never going to get anywhere because of events getting in the way. It would be so much easier to live under a rock and not have to do anything that involves food! I know that I can plan ahead/do extra workouts/not's just really wearing on me and I'm so sick of it. I feel like it's almost every day that there is some sort of food event I have to dodge. My brain doesn't want to think about it anymore. Any advice?


  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Apparently this post is too negative/whiny to get a response. Oh well. Today's a new day and I'm going to do the best I can.
  • stepheroo93
    I didn't see your other post, but i came across a different post on here once that i feel is worth mentioning :) it said not beat yourself up after a bad day. The next day don't feel like you have to punish yourself, just move on with life and vow to do better in the future. These days do happen - for everyone! Try not to linger on it! You're doing fine Shelley, and you look good! Remind yourself everyday of all the things your body can do for you: run, dance, walk to class, think, etc etc etc. Hope this helps at least a little!