
superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss

I have been using MFP since Jan 10. I lost 10 lbs right away in the first month. Since then I have only lost 2 more. I know I am losing inches but I am getting frustrated not seeing the numbers on the scale. I saw another post about "zig zagging" your calories so I looked into that. I did a calculator for that and it says I should eat around 1900 calories to lose weight, and MFP says to eat 1400. So now, I'm confused and slightly more frustrated. AHHH!! Any advice appreciated!!!



  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Well numbers might have changed depending if you put in that you are working out in one and not in the other. I think MFP numbers are also pretty neutral. You mentioned that you are losing inches which means you are gaining muscle. Muscle weights more then fat so that is probably why you are not seeing a loss on the scale.

    *Numbers might also be based on how many lbs to lose a week. The other number might be to only lose 1 and the 2nd to lose 2 kind of idea but I am just guessing.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    i just went thru the same thing. i was stuck at the same weight for 3 wks, working out 6 days at week at least... sometimes more than once per day & NOT cheating on my diet - regardless if i ws under my calories. My trainer told me to lower my carbs. he has me at 166g of protein, 73 g of fat & 80 or so carbs depending on my exercise. the first week of doing that i losst about 2 lbs & this is my 2nd week & I think i've dropped at least 2 lbs. I'll know tomorrow.
  • Hi!

    I have been using MFP since Jan 10. I lost 10 lbs right away in the first month. Since then I have only lost 2 more. I know I am losing inches but I am getting frustrated not seeing the numbers on the scale. I saw another post about "zig zagging" your calories so I looked into that. I did a calculator for that and it says I should eat around 1900 calories to lose weight, and MFP says to eat 1400. So now, I'm confused and slightly more frustrated. AHHH!! Any advice appreciated!!!


    When losing weight the right way, you'll hit small plateaus every now and again. The key to losing weight is to keep logging in your calories, measuring your foods, and staying focused on your weight-loss goal. The day that you decide to stop logging is the day you'll most likely stop losing weight. With that said, you'll see fluctuations in your weight every single time you weigh yourself. Your weight will be different in the evening time verses the morning time and it will be different on Monday verses Friday. The body retains water, releases water, and everything under the sun; but when you lose a pound, you'll notice it in your face, the way your clothes fit, and people will constantly ask you, "Have you lost weight?" Whatever you do, don't give up because that will ensure you'll never reach your weight-loss goal.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You probably dont need to worry about zig zagging your calories- sticking in a good calorie range is most likely good enough for now.

    A couple of mistakes newbies tend to make:

    1- Anytime you get a big loss, your body needs time to adjust- expect a small plataeu

    2- Make sure you are eating ENOUGH!! I cannot stress this enough. Are you eating 1400 calories and then burning off 500? Then you are only giving your body 900 calories to run off of and it thinks its starving. On your homepage you have Daily Summary Box. The Equation looks like this: Goal Food -Exercise = Net Your goal should be to have your Goal and Net calories be as close as possible at the end of the day.

    If you make your diary public, I can make more specific recommendations but these are the basic/general things you should know.
  • cnjbarry
    cnjbarry Posts: 91 Member
    I guess it can count on how much you are working out. My cals are set just over 1400, then I end up with X amount of excercise cals right? I eat them, usually about 300-400 cals. that takes me up to 1700 to 1800 a day. Maybe that 1900 was including what you burn and eat back with excercise
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