New Apt, New Job, Got Promoted... Now what?!

So Feb 1st, I moved into an apt with the first roommate of my life (always lived on my own), then I started at new full-time job (catering) on 2/14, (M-F 6:30AM-2:30PM) and then got promoted at my part-time job (UPS) on monday 2/21 (5:00PM-10:00PM). So needless to say, I'll finally get some good money coming in... But now I'm worried I'm not gonna get the results that I've been receiving... In the last 3 months, I've lost 22lbs. Just by working out again.. I LOVE working out but got lazy for a couple years and gained 30lbs.. So close to my goal, my schedule has changed completely and I'm not able to get to the gym as much.. In the summer I plan on running to my new full-time job (1.5 miles away so 3 miles a day) but I live in MN and currently the road and sidewalks are VERY Icy and not always plowed not to mention the negative wind chills... I've tried to get a 10-15 min workout in the mornings that I can't get to the gym but I need to burn more calories! The new job has limited that a bit, but I wasn't too worried, but now that I'm promoted at UPS, I'm not longer getting that extra "paid" workout I got as a package handler... I was spending 2-3hrs lifting and moving packages up to 70lbs... now as a supervisor, I wont be doing that.. yes I have goals and this is good but I want to lose my extra weight real bad!! I haven't hit a plateau yet but I'm guessing I'll see it this week.. I can also eat a bunch of FREE food at lunch because as a caterer for the company I work for, I get to eat anything out of the cafeteria which is AMAZING food... I've eaten quite a bit of salads but I want to try everything so I can describe it... Anyone have some suggestions for extra anything??


  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    wow holy schedual! I don't know if its doable for your life but you might try working out on the weekends and watching your calories on the week days. I have lost 40 pounds without exercise. Im sure you can do it and if you exercise when you wake up on the weekend it barely feels like you have lost any of your day. : ) good luck.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    hahaha! I also have a 3rd job (my old full-time job) of bartending on sunday mornings and a fill in on Saturday nights.. but yes, my hard workouts are usually saturday mornings..