a spotting of the elusive skinny me.

gracemtn Posts: 33 Member
Maybe it is the confidence in trying, maybe it is the few lbs I have shed, maybe it is because I am getting back to my previous ways; Today walking by a mirror, with the prefect light, at the just-right-angle I saw her. The version of me that enjoyed food but didn't eat the whole casserole dish. The version of me that really did like, no, love to run. The version of me that would pick fruit over candy every time. The version who didn't hide behind a computer or phone. Mind you, She quickly scampered away at the site of insecurities and self doubt but SHE WAS THERE. When I think about it I can't fully recall the last time I saw her. I know life was a little less learned and I had all the answers but that was long ago.

So here is to MFP for extracting the previous version even for a fleeting moment. Maybe next time she won't be so afraid of her own reflection. :)


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