Encouraging Others...



  • Dmonique85
    I was at my highest weight after me & my ex fiance broke up...I lost 40 pounds after our relationship ended, and he had a heart attack a few months ago (at 26 years old) because of the poor decisions that he's made regarding his health.

    After my initial weight loss I got stuck, but eventually I decided to join MFP because of something completely unrelated to my weight...I have a small tumor in my brain. For a long time I have been afraid of breast cancer high blood pressure heart attacks and stroke (all of which are in my family history). But it took for me to get to something I could not control to really decide to take control of what I can. I can be healthy & I believe that my healthy choices will make a difference for the rest of my life. I want to age gracefully & be able to take care of myself until I die. I don't want to be a burden to my family or to my REAL self. As I shed these pounds I reveal issues & problems that I must address, but that makes me more beautiful, more alive & more me. It's strange, scary, & crazy...but I love it. Absolutely.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Honestly, others making fun of me, my doctor telling me I needed to lose weight. All of it just made me roll my eyes. It was just annoying. But what got me to start losing weight, was that I just got SO SICK AND TIRED of looking at myself. At hating clothes shopping. I wanna be cute, ya know? And I finally just had enough of repulsing myself. Of dreading putting in my contacts in the morning bc it means I have to look in the mirror.