Fake Fruit :(



  • loseit4good52
    Thats true.......so its best to just eat the real thing..fresh blueberries. You can also make your own foods and add the fresh that way you will know you are getting the real thing! :smile:
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Boo!! That makes me sad...I love making blueberry muffins on the weekends.....now I won't if they aren't real blueberries! :grumble:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Not surprised at all. And another thing that is really sad is even the fresh produce in the grocery stores don't have the nutritional value they used to. They get picked before full ripeness so they can survive the journey to the store. That's why it's best to grow your own or buy local. I'll be hitting the farmer's markets this year. Willing to pay a little more for better nutrition.