New to Blogging - Hope it's a life line!

:heart: Once I had children I resigned to being overweight and gave up. Adding 20 lbs a year has caught up to me and I don't want to continue this pattern. I have never blogged before. I found MyfitnessPal as a driod cell app and found it very easy to begin using. I love my family and enjoy doing everything I can to make them happy. I just lost site of being happy myself. It's time to change that. I plan on taking on just ONE DAY AT A TIME. Each day a new beginning. Let's hope they add up to a big loss!


  • izzys1mom
    Congrats on deciding to make yourself a priority! As a single mom I know how easy it can be to stop even seeing yourself in the mirror....there is always so many "needs" ahead of mine. I finally decided that what my daughter needs most is to have her mother alive, strong, and healthy!! So putting myself as a priority is meeting her needs as well. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend.
