Breakfast ideas?



  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    I, for myself, would rather stay away from anything that is high in sodium as it will make me retain water and I also have high bp. I really only shop around the perimeters of the supermarket and rarely go down any of the aisles. I hear what you are saying and thanks as I will keep any eye out for those brands for my husband's sake. Lucky for you that you can shop at Whole Foods as their prices are a little out of my price range - I try to buy organic chicken whenever I see a sale and stock up.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I do eggs sometimes, Mushroom and cheese omelet with 3 egg whites, and one whole egg. Or a whole wheat engilsh muffin, canadian bacon, ff cheese, and an egg with an extra egg white added to it. I also like to make high protein waffles, freeze them, then cook them in the toaster on another day.
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    love ground chicken for breakfast. usually add onion and red peppers. great side to scrambled egg whites.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    My favorite in a rush breakfast is a greek yogurt with about 1/2 a cup of Special K with red berries mixed in.
  • makeupinmanhatten
    Thanks everyone! :) great breakfast ideas!
  • d0llhouse
    this is typical but i loveeee a grapefruit in the mornings. you can pair it with some toast and an egg
  • gokate1
    These are different ideas and combos:
    1. Bagel and cream cheese
    2. Fruit Salad
    3. Bacon, yogurt, and hard boiled egg
    4. Oatmeal (I like apples and cinnamon in mine)
    5. English muffin and jam
    6. Bagel with egg and bacon on it (cheese is optional)
    7. English muffin with egg and bacon on it (cheese is optional)
    8. Luna protein bar along with some chobani yogurt

    Typically I have 1,2,5,7 and I rotate along with oatmeal on sundays :)
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    I've started taking a 50 calorie La Tortilla Factory Tortilla and topping it with a TBSP of peanut butter, a banana and a small drizzle of honey. Roll it up the night before and have it in the morning. This has been keeping me SUPER full!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    mine is high fiber + high protein cereal with soy milk, and i also like to make a veggie muffin (whole grain english muffin + veggie sausage patty + vegan pepperjack cheese, microwave for 1 minute).