Don't know how/if I can give up my diet sodas



  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Instead of diet it was regular cokes for me, with the occasional Coke Zero just to make myself feel better.
    I would have up to 5 cokes a day, sometimes a bottle sometimes a can. I would get headaches without them! I eventually decided that it wasn't helping me lose weight and it started messing up my stomach. I'd spend a whole day in the bathroom from one day of drinking coke. I hated that!
    I have now not had a coke since last Saturday, and even that day it was one of those mini cans, and that was it! I will occasionally have one on the weekend, but not often. I've found that I like water much more! AND with the different flavors I can add to water I can have different types. I love the strawberry crystal light and have that on a daily basis. Since I've given up the amount of coke I don't have headaches, I feel better, and I have lost weight (not only from the coke though, lol) I didn't cut it out of my life completely because I know that would drive me crazy since I've been drinking it since I can remember!

    Just try to cut back to one a day a week. Or if it's bad, one a day, then one every other day, up to one a week!
  • jaybaileys
    Have you tried iced t? It is much better and I like the taste. I dont need to add sweeteners either. But other than that i drink water, so when we go out an ice t is a nice treat. Im not a big fan of green tea, but I do take 500mg of green tea extract a day. It supposedly helps your metabolism. But the black teas are very tasty, I think so anyway. Maybe it's something you could try.