When did people start noticing?



  • rockabyesarojane
    i started getting notice at 15 pounds.
  • ginnyroxx
    not many people comment, but i got my first comment at 15 pounds. idk...the was awhile ago and it's hard to judge changes in your body based on a number. i'm a lot slimmer than my weight loss gives me credit for.
    I am doing zumba and I am having a problem eating all the calories that I am supposed to! is anyone else like that?
  • sharanranran
    sharanranran Posts: 64 Member
    I had my first 'notice' at work yesterday...at 10lb. Yey!:bigsmile:
  • Georgie_P
    My kids and Hubby noticed at about 10 - 15 lbs they knew I was doing this but I think they were just as surprised as I was with the reshaping..

    At work the changed happened when I finally bought skinny jeans at about 25lbs -- NO MORE MOM JEANS for me!!!

    now my boss gives me a daily dose of the "incrediable shrinking lady" ... it feels SOOO good!
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    My family noticed at about ten pounds, but they also knew I've been working on it. A friend (a male friend) said something to me at about 15 pounds. I'm at 20 pounds, and I still haven't heard anything from colleagues or students (I teach seventh graders, so I'm not expecting anything from them, but it would be quite a nice surprise!)
  • kimdummermuth
    Hubby noticed first.. he saw me pulling my pants up more and said it was easier to hug me at 5lbs.. I just hit 7lbs lost and people in the last week have been starting to ask me or tell me I am looking good..
    Its a good feeling.. but I think it happens at different times for everyone.
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    My coworkers and those who see me most haven't really said anything. But I saw family members that I hadn't seen in a few months (my grandfather and my aunt) and they both noticed.
  • nessamarie6
    nessamarie6 Posts: 2 Member
    about 20 pounds. had this one lady at work who would tell me everyday that i was looking great and to keep up the good work!!! feels good when others notice you!!!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    A few folks started to notice about 15 lbs. At 25, when I had to start buying a new wardrope - lots of folks started noticing ;-)
  • Quicksilvas
    Quicksilvas Posts: 42 Member
    It all depends on how overweight you are....I am at just over 20lbs lost and people are really starting to notice now. Remember to do it for yourself and no other reason. When you notice the change others will start to notice as well. Good luck!!!
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Fifty. Pounds.

    I noticed right away, though, and that's all that really matters :)


    Me too. It was a little disheartening--but I noticed right away and my boyfriend's been great about supporting me :)
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I had one person notice at around 20 pounds (though I think it was only because I was wearing a different pair of jeans that had just started fitting me again). I've had a couple ask me recently at around 30 pounds lost. I'm still waiting for the deluge of people noticing... and not really expecting it for another 30 pounds or so, if then.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Sorry, double post.
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    For me, it was around 40 pounds - now people are complimenting me almost daily! Before that, when I was down 30-35 lbs, I rarely got asked if I was losing weight. Of course people at the Cross Fit box (gym) I go to noticed when I lost around 10 lbs, but they knew I was working my butt off and trying. I haven't really "told" many people other than my immediate family, so I always appreciate the comments from people who didn't know I was trying to lose weight in the first place. Oddly, there are a few people who know I'm trying to lose weight, have seen me recently, and haven't mentioned a thing about the weight loss. :noway: I'm down about 4-5 sizes, so it's fairly noticeable. I also think some people don't want to comment since they'd be implying I was fat(ter) before. It's always a little touchy to ask women about their weight, even if it's moving in the right direction!