can taking in more water help you lose weight?

Hello everyone!

I am very curious if more water intake will help me lose more weight. I used to only drink about 2 to 3 glasses a day and I now drink close to 6 to 8 or more glasses a day! I just started this a couple of days ago along with exercising and when I weighed myself I weighed in 3 pounds more than i did when i first started exercising. Is that maybe caused by the exercise and building muscle or the water intake?


  • nattyb044
    It could also mean that your sodium intake is high as well. Your weight will fluctuate through the week. I would give it a good week before you try weighing yourself again to see how the water "expirement" goes.
  • bridetobe91
    I'm going to look into low sodium foods and make a list for the next time I go to the gym! I think with less sodium and more water, the weight will start coming off! I only plan on weighing myself once a week even maybe once every two weeks at first!