Is there something like”too much protein”?



  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Apparently I can't do quotes very well lol.

    To reset your goals go to the goals tab at the top of the page and click the ones that lets you do it...Not the guided one.
  • DaninMiaFL
    DaninMiaFL Posts: 11 Member
    Protien comes in various forms, and some are easier to digest than others. Casien, from milk is the easiest to digest. Albumin from eggs is second, Meat is third, and vegetable protien such as beans are hardest to digest ( hence the gas associated with beans ).

    Protien is broken down by your stomach acids, and as a result, most restaurant meals, and home meals are served backwards. You should eat the hardest to digest things first, and end with the simplest. I spent 6 years bodybuilding from 1989 to 1985 and discovered that your body can only absorb so much protien per sitting. When you work out really hard, amino acids, the product of digested protiens, help regenerate drained muscle. The way to get more in your system is then to add Amino Acids into your diet. However, they taste terrible. The result of getting more protien into your system IF you need it is faster muscle recovery. It doesn't make you perform better, it just helps you to recover more quickly.

    I gues what I am trying to say is eat your protien first, followed by your complex carbs and then simple carbs. Try not to drink water with meals as water will dilute your stomach acids. My rule is if you need to drink to swallow it you aren't chewing enough. I drink waterwhen I wake up and between meals and if I must drink with food I have a small amount of milk or less than 4 oz of juice.

