Having problems with my diet..any tips?

Drea714 Posts: 7
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've started exercising 4-5 times a week for the last month. I am able to get myself motivated to exercise, but it's hard for me to change my diet. I can do well with eating healthy foods for a few days and then I end up sabotaging myself. I realize that this is a mind over matter situation, so I was wondering what you guys do to keep yourself motivated to eat right, or when you're faced with a temptation, how you keep yourself in check..Any advice will do!... Thanks!


  • I have a very special event coming up in October so my motivation is for that and since counting calories I have found that you can really have anything but in moderation.
    Hope this helps :happy:
  • log it before you eat it
  • I find it hard resisting my daily bit of chocolate. I have overcome this by getting my choc fix from the myprotein diet shake which is choc flavoured and just like a milkshake made with 200ml skimmed milk. Also try stocking up on plenty healthy snack options like celery and small amount of peanut butter, plenty fruit and nuts. You can eat plenty but just not too many carbs or sat fats. Not sure if that's much help but it's mainly will power, it isn't easy but when you see the results, that is the best motivation of all!! Keep up the good work :)
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    If you don't buy it, you won't eat it. I don't buy junk food as part of my grocery list "staples". If I feel like a treat, I will go out and buy something reasonable, instead of keeping it in the house. Having to go out and buy it will make you weigh whether its really worth it or not. Hope that helps.
  • I agree with both Coxy and Edbenaglio. I log my food before I eat it and keep a food journal. You have to be diligent because it's so easy to say, oh I'll log that later. I carried my log with me everywhere I went. Now with MFP, I create my log first thing in the morning...packed lunch and portioned dinner...and if I need to make little changes, I do. When I'm away from a computer, I make notes or log it into my phone. I make big meals three times a week and cycle the leftovers...premade plates help. Make a shopping list and stick to it. Freeze your credit/debit card (literally...stick it in the freezer in a bucket of ice) so you're not tempted to make any food splurges like I did last week (stupid milkshake). When you bring home your groceries, take the little extra time to portion everything out. It really helps. I'm all about calorie counting right now until I can get a handle on portion control (my enemy at the moment). If you ever need support, feel free to add me! We can do this together!
  • I have found that you can really have anything but in moderation.

    This is the best advice ever. I have been a yo-yo dieter my whole life and I have finally lost 65lbs and for the past year I have found the best thing you can do for yourself is not diet, but just change your eating habits. If you want ice cream, plan out your day and have a little ice cream. You want to go out to eat, ask for a half portion or a to go box right away and put half of your meal in it. Out of sight out of mind, and your calories are cut in half. If you deny yourself the things you love, and trust me I LOOOOVE food and I will never change that about myself, you'll just want them more. Moderation is key, work a treat into your diet. I do everyday and it's worked so far.
  • As Coxy stated you can have pretty much anything you want in moderation. Of course the healthier the choice the more you can have. When you are trying to stay within a calorie range I find it helpful if I am craving something to look it up BEFORE I eat it to see how many calories it is, I decide whether or not I still want to have it or how much of it i can have and still stay within my budget of calories. Works for me....might be worth a try.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    One thing I do is log a treat for each afternoon or evening in the morning before I log anything else. It helps me be good the rest of the day because I know I get that piece of chocolate, skinny cow icecream, or right now girlscout cookies.

    I also have a drawer at work full of food...from oatmeal, to food should taste good chips, to dove chocolate pieces, etc. I don't get into that drawer but once or twice a week, but at least its there and full of better alternatives than what I used to go for.

    And honestly, sometimes I just flat out want pizza. So I try to hit the gym as much as possible and keep my splurge meals down to one per week.

    This takes a while. I am definitely not perfect. Last week we ate out a lot. I went over cals a lot. This week I am doing better. Take it day by day. If you eat too much one meal, dont' wait until the next day to rectify the situation, do it the next meal. You can do it!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    When I was first making the transition to eating a completely healthy, junk free diet I gave myself the weekends off from counting calories and from being so strict about what I ate. I didn't go crazy, but I'd have a soda, some chips, a candy bar, whatever I was craving. It helped me to stay on track during the week and it eased me into my new healthy eating habits. Knowing I had a "break" kept me sane!
  • netty1983
    netty1983 Posts: 15 Member
    I try and work out what im going to eat and log in on my diary before hand, i wont let myself deviate from it then, if i havent planned anything i often make the wrong choices by grapping something quick and easy, i also log my exercise alot of the time before i do it, that motivates me to actually do it.
    Definately try to do some kind of planning, its not easy once the hunger actually kicks in.

    Good luck
  • I have been struggling myself with temptations. I tell myself that I can have it if I really want it, I log it first to see the damage... lol and then adjust accordingly. You'll find that you will start to make healthier choices to stay within your calorie range. Hope this helps :)
  • I just dont buy it! I have a huge sweet tooth. I do try to use fruit as my sweet but sometimes it doesn't work so I have some dark chocolate mint almonds, or angel food cake with light whipped topping and strawberries. I have a 5 month old and had to quit dairy so that has helped becasue everything has dairy in it!!! A protein shake in chocolate, shakeology with chocolate almond milk. It fills you up for hours and curbs my cravings for crap!

    Beachbody coach

  • Don't buy junk and then it is not in your cupboard for you to eat.

    Make sure you don't get too hungry before mealtimes. I have found it useful to sit down, eat a snack and log in to my food diary before I cook dinner, it stops me from over-eating.

    Don't beat yourself up, fancy a chocolate - have ONE, as a treat, washed down with a herb tea, it should be enough to stop cravings.

    Keep busy and out of the kitchen if you are in graze mode, grab an apple and exit the room, munch on that instead.

    Get yourself a good low cal cookery book, and then go food shopping for these meals, variety is the spice of life!

    Congratulate yourself on your exercise regime - fantastic!

    Hopes this helps
  • Thank you soooo much. I'm going to do everything that each of you said and see what works. I'm sure all of that information will help me with my weight loss. Next time I post, it will be in the success forum. Thanks again everyone! You all are an inspiration! :heart:
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