Starting 30 shred tomorrow!

Hey everyone,
My co-worker who is also on mfp, and I are starting the 30 day shred tomorrrow and I was just looking to see if anyone wanted to join in. Also for those are have already done it, how did you log it on here. Thanks!


  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I started last week. Really great workout -- I can't say enough nice things! Not really a Jillian or BL fan, but you can tell the workout works and the methods behind it make a lot of sense.

    Don't start off too high with weights (try 2-3 lbs) and be ready to sweat! I used a HRM to figure out my calories burnt.

    Have fun and good luck!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I finally got mine in the mail so I will start with you tomorrow. I already have 2 pound weights. I just need to figure out what to use as a mat since I don't have one.
  • Lsng4good
    Lsng4good Posts: 86 Member
    I just bought it on ebay, it should be here about Feb 27 or 28, but I'm waiting till March 1st to start so I can make it a March event! :)
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Im on Day 3 of Level 2 , did Level 1 for 30days. She kicks your butt ! I can see my body changing! I have muscles! I didnt know that! LOL!
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    ME ME! I'll do it!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Good Luck! I'm starting March 1st.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I logged mine under circuit training after asking on here but have recently bought a HRM and I actually burn 200 cals more than what it said (am on day 7 level 1)
  • kuhristeee
    kuhristeee Posts: 100 Member
    Count me in! I just bought it today as well and I plan on starting either tonight or tomorrow. :) Good luck!
  • tummymummy
    Hi, I finished the 30 shred on Monday and going for round 2 now as I loved it! Hope you enjoy it the same - stick with it and you'll be so proud of yourself! I logged it as circuit training, 25 mins per session.
  • xxtc79xx
    I will do it too! I just need to get the video :)
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    Just got mine today - will def start tomorrow!!!!

    Good luck

  • 123nikki123
    I finally got mine in the mail so I will start with you tomorrow. I already have 2 pound weights. I just need to figure out what to use as a mat since I don't have one.

    A towel would work just as good as a mat:)
  • 123nikki123
    I just restarted today because I got sick but would love to join all of you! I can restart tomorrow that we're on the same track:) Yahoo! I LOVE the Shred!
  • shatora21
    shatora21 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in!! I bought it last week and haven't started. This will be a great motivation and I won't feel like I'm in it alone.!
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    Ok so I had to get up at 6 to be able to get the workout in before work and school. It was hard to get up but once I started the video I felt more awake. I am looking forward to doing this and am glad to have Day 1 done! Anyone else doing the challenge want to add me as a friend feel free. I would love to help each other stay motivated!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I was going to do mine this morning after I dropped my son off at school. However snow = no school. I am going to do it after he goes to bed tonight.
  • ksimms
    ksimms Posts: 31 Member
    I just started today, level 1 day 1. It was pretty good, I started my day by going to a lazy 90 min walk, then the shred followed up with Jillian's yoga meltdown afterwards. I was pink in the face after all of it, no giant beads of sweat. I didn't have weights so I used some extra red Theraband I had laying around and managed to do all the moves minus doing all full push-ups, had to throw some knees down. Must say my body feels a bit sore, but I think that might have been the yoga - not something I've done before (pretty enjoyable).

    I'm in pretty good shape, I was doing Insanity before this, but my "used knees" started acting up again (I swear I got an elderly persons joints when I was born) and I wanted to start doing something productive but not so jumpy to build up their endurance to start that up again.

    I really enjoyed the amount of variations though, doing the same thing over and over is to mundane for me. I must admit Jillian herself is motiavtion without speaking, just look at that body!
  • gryfin
    gryfin Posts: 10 Member
    i'll join in! mine just came in the mail today
  • tnkbest
    tnkbest Posts: 58 Member
    I just did level 1 day 2 today. It is a really good workout. Started out with 5 lb weights, which are ok for most moves but a little heavy for others. A little sore but not bad at all. I can't wait to see if I get any results from it! Good luck everyone! :smile: :smile:
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I did it...I think I'm going to die. I even did the modified version. I wanted to cry during parts of it. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to do it tomorrow.