Confused and Pissy

Kelly2251 Posts: 14
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Excuse my language, but this whole "being healthy" thing is just pissing me off... and to top it off I can't get it right... I had a glass of orange juice this morning thinking I was making a healthy choice... just to find out that the one glass put me over my recommended sugar intake for the day... I have been told that my attitude will change over time and that it will go from making me mad to habit, but right now I am frustrated...and venting.... but in all seriousness... if I can't get it right, how am I supposed to lose weight???


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    It's trial an error. I've learned to only drink water and green tea, because I'd rather eat my calories. I've also learned that the sugars in your fruit don't count, but the sugar in your pop do. You have to learn as you go, make mistakes, get pissy and then get going. Know that exercise and healthy eating are the main goals. Trust me you'll get the hang of it. You'll discover foods that you can manage, for example, I don't eat almonds anymore unless I'm really low on my calorie intake and need to make up for it before'll learn little tips and tricks that work for you. By reading blogs and searching through topics, just about every question you can think of is answered in these forums. You'll be fine...we all had to learn the hard way. You're going to have ups and downs, the trick is how you handle them...good luck, stay motivated!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I felt the same way! It is so incredibly frustrating to think you are making a healthy choice only to find out it isn't. For the O.J. I would recommend you get the kind that doesn't have sugar added and/or reduce how much you drink. I have the same problem with fruit. I love it and I use that as my snack in the morning but it usually shoots up my sugar.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I had to learn to relax, Orange juice is a healthier choice then something like soda. Focus more on your calorie intake and exercise then things like sugar and sodium (they are important but I think people get too focused on them) Simply making better choices,drinking more water, eating less, and exercising you will most likely see a change.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    It's hard to change habbits and making dietary changes seem like some of the worst.

    I barely drink juice any more, because really, what are the benefits? Lots of juice has more sugar than a can of soda and you aren't getting any of the benefits of the fiber if you ate the fruit, so I just tend to stay away.

    It takes time to "dial it in" but it can be done. Some people also benefit from a more rigid structure of some diets restricting certain foods completely.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Like anythin' else in life - you need learn and study, and see what is right for you and what isn't...

    Trial and Error....Stay strong!
  • Girl I'm the queen of pissy! lol. You will do it, you will get frustrated and whatever but just don't give up on yourself. Be awesome 80% of the time and you will rock it. Read ask questions, etc. You will find your stride.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I have stopped worrying about my sugars all come form good sources and I refuse to give up fruit. That being said I still think it is better to eat the fruit and drink water....more filling and you get all the good stuff including the fibre. Fibre helps you feel more full and satisfied.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Practice!! :flowerforyou: :wink:

    It takes time. One step at a time, really. Don't try to do it all at once. I think such a sudden, enormous change might cause failure. Give yourself some goals to work towards. For example, you might choose:

    Make the first goal a simple one: to meet your calorie goals (just the calories) for 1-2 weeks. Then, depending on what you learn from that, maybe eliminate fast food or cut back on sugar or increase protein for a couple of weeks. Then try cutting back on processed foods or artificial ingredients or cheat meals. Just one goal at a time, until you're comfortable with it. But the most important goal is the that one first, then work on the rest a little at a time.

    Hang in there, it gets easier!
  • Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and support... I have so much to learn... :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    There's no need to try to be "perfect". Most people who make the most progress and have the most success do it through baby steps. There are always healthier alternatives... OJ is way better than soda, but eating a raw orange is even better than OJ.

    I started out over a year ago just focusing on my calories. I lost weight right away. Then I started cutting out processed foods. Then came paying more attention to protein (I upped my protein goal, lowered my carb goal). Then I paid attention to my sodium (Yikes!). Then I started working on sugar. All the while, I was working on doing more and more exercise. It's all been a gradual process. You CAN'T expect to know all the answers and to be perfect overnight.

    You can work toward being healthy without knowing all the answers or being perfect. Sure, it's better to keep your sugars lower, but if you're staying in your overall calorie goals and eating a generally well-balanced, healthy diet that's free of most processed foods, then you're doing great. That's the general "base" I try to aim for. Everything else (specific sugar levels, % split between carbs/protein/fat, etc.) are things to work on once you have the basics down and are interested in tweaking your diet to become even more healthy.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I remember when I first found out how many calories are in orange juice. I was so angry! I called my husband over and he couldn't believe it either. I said "this is one of the reasons why people are fat. They think that they're making intelligent choices because it's been drilled in our head for so long that juice is good and healthy and they have a day's worth of calories in a couple of glasses of juice" (I've easily drank 5 cups of juice with breakfast, which would be 1250 calories).

    The only think you can do is educate yourself. The companies aren't going to inform you that their product is glorified soda. YOU need to do the research and arm yourself with as much information about products as possible.

    My mother developed diabetes later in life (which she's maintained with diet and hasn't had to inject insulin) even though she's never been over 130 pounds. Her blood sugar was in the 15-20 range constantly and she couldn't figure out what she was doing wrong until I showed her the sugar content of her orange juice. Now she has a veggie juice in the morning, and an orange with a glass of water for her vitamin C.
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I think Marll is on to something...

    Adopt changes slowly and you'll figure out what works best. Focus on calories first and try to determine which foods give you the most bang for the buck and go from there. Instead of drinking orange juice try eating an orange. You'll get more fiber, less sugar and fewer calories and I bet you will feel more satisfied.
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    I agree, it's trial and error. I was very grouchy at the beginning.:sad: I have also learned to not deny myself but to use portion control on things that I love to eat. I am a potatoes girl and I will allow myself to have a fraction of the total serving. If not, I know I will binge. :bigsmile:
  • Choose what's right for you! It's give and take, and it depends on who you ask, so make the choices that are healthy for you, and that YOU CAN LIVE WITH! If you're drinking OJ rather than soda, then good for you. Some people drink only water, some people drink soda, but in small amounts. I like crystal light, but was recently informed that the aspartame in there could kill me. But again, it's my choice. So as desperate as I am to keep getting healthy... I'll take the aspartame so I can have my no-calorie peach tea.

    I've come to realize that no one diet is right for two people. Just figure out what is good for your body. I am doing some intense kettlebell training, so I KNOW I need more protein than I'm allowed on this site (really wish you could adjust the levels according to your fitness goals!), so I just have to ignore that big red number under protein every day. I also know that I need to be eating fewer carbs on non-bootcamp days, so again, that's up to me. My trainer swears by this diet, her trainer swears by that... I'm piecemealing it all together to make it something I can live with, and my family too. And as long as it's healthy.... I'm okay with a little OJ! :)
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Great explanation. I agree.:smile:
  • i've learned to drink my juice like a toddler :) I add water to it. Still get the flavor without drinking as many calories/sugar.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    . I am doing some intense kettlebell training, so I KNOW I need more protein than I'm allowed on this site (really wish you could adjust the levels according to your fitness goals!), so I just have to ignore that big red number under protein every day.

    You can! Go to Home, then click Goals > Change Goals (big green button at the bottom), then choose custom, and all of the goals pop up. You can change the protein/fat/carb ratios, but they must equal 100% to your calorie goals. Anything else you are tracking that you want to change can be done there, as well.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Perfection isn't the goal. Each day you'll learn more and more about what works for you and what doesn't. Some people drink juice every day and it doesn't affect them aversely having ingested more sugar than MFP recommends.

    We're all different and you will find what works for you. Enjoy the journey and show yourself nothing but love and patience.

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Trop50 is my best friend. I could drink OJ all day long. This has half the sugar and half the calories.
  • You can! Go to Home, then click Goals > Change Goals (big green button at the bottom), then choose custom, and all of the goals pop up. You can change the protein/fat/carb ratios, but they must equal 100% to your calorie goals. Anything else you are tracking that you want to change can be done there, as well.

    Thank you so much!
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