Hungry ...

It's just gone 10pm. I set a goal this week to eat my food before 9pm and then nothing after. BUT now I'm HUNGRY!

Any tips? I'm drinking tea and water already and keeping my hands busy learning how to knit (or else I find they get restless and want to stuff my face with food) ... is this mental or just my body adjusting? And by mental - I don't mean, "Am I crazy?" ;)


  • MaryDreamer
    I go to sleep at 9 so I won't think about it! LOL
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Eat a light snack. If you've been increasing activity, your body's asking for fuel to keep up with it. I generally work out at night, so I'll usually have a recovery snack afterwards. Calories are cumulative throughout the day, as is cardio, so it's not going to have a negative effect on weight loss if you eat past a certain time. Your metabolism to process food doesn't stop just because you're asleep.
  • smpichon
    smpichon Posts: 3 Member
    Im having trouble with this myself... I think its a mental thing. I could go for hours at home not thinking about food but for some reason because I set my goal to not eat past 8 my thoughts are now consumed with it. My friend said it took her a week to get used to it and now she's fine so hopefully that will happen with us too.
  • MaryDreamer
    I also drink 2 oz of Cpt Morgan with Vanilla Coke Zero every eve to curb the sweets cravings and fill my tummy.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    sounds like bed time to me brush your teeth and off you go. If you have a partern maybe.... you could think of something to do if you dont have a partern maybe there still something you could think to do lol
  • diabettie
    I have the same thing happen to me!! Especially whenever I have more carbs than usual for dinner. I've started adding extra fiber and find that helps a little. My favorite snack is Arnold Dutch Country Extra Fiber Whole Wheat Bread toasted with a smudge of Peanut butter and hot green tea. I mean - it's not as nummy as ice cream and cookies but it does the trick to curb my appetite a little. Hope that's helps! Oh and I knit like a mad woman too! :)
  • officialtonee
    Sleeping is the best for me. And do something mindless to you so that way you fall asleep quicker.
  • LyonInLondon
    LyonInLondon Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone... I had a healthy-ish snack (even though it put me over my calories for the day) and am heading to bed .. will have to get to bed earlier tomorrow! Thanks again!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I also drink 2 oz of Cpt Morgan with Vanilla Coke Zero every eve to curb the sweets cravings and fill my tummy.

    I wouldn't recommend drinking alcohol before bedtime! Not only does this interfere with your sleep, but it also adds empty calories, and inhibits weight loss for a period of time afterwards! Be careful :frown:

    Naomi: I find that tea helps me a lot. Sometimes its worth it to go over your calories though if you need to. I can't sleep well if my stomach is making noises and hungry! So if it takes a couple extra calories, so be it! :smile: