Would you pay to have your pictures made into a scrapbook?

Hey all as you know I am a stay at home mommy! But I might have to go back to work soon and I really don't want to. I am trying to find things I can do to make a little extra money for my household so I can stay home. I do scrapbooking and I have never heard of a service that does them. I was wondering if you wanted some scrapbooks done how much would you pay? I was thinking one price plus cost of supplies. I will meet with my customers and go through their pictures with them and return their pictures in a scrapbook about a week and a half later. What do you all think.... Be honest!


  • cwilson715
    cwilson715 Posts: 130
    Hey all as you know I am a stay at home mommy! But I might have to go back to work soon and I really don't want to. I am trying to find things I can do to make a little extra money for my household so I can stay home. I do scrapbooking and I have never heard of a service that does them. I was wondering if you wanted some scrapbooks done how much would you pay? I was thinking one price plus cost of supplies. I will meet with my customers and go through their pictures with them and return their pictures in a scrapbook about a week and a half later. What do you all think.... Be honest!
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    honestly... well
    I would if i had the money...
    Being a creative person i would rather do it myself. only... it takes me an hour a page.
    I would have high expectations... so i would pay a lot of money.
    $150 for like 24 pages.
    We have art students and college students here that do them for people... they do pretty good business wise.
  • uwhuskygirl
    uwhuskygirl Posts: 320
    Personally, I find scrapbooks a bit kitchsy and tacky, so my answer would be no. (I prefer my pictures matted and framed or in a simple photo album.)

    You could advertise your services on etsy.com or craigslist. Also theknot.com might be a good place to go to too. You have to pay a little bit to sell on etsy, but craiglist is free and I'm not sure how they handle vendors on theknot.com.

    Good luck!
  • coldhound
    coldhound Posts: 26 Member
    My mom actually does this from time to time, and charges an hourly rate, giving an estimate in advance, and letting people know the status if something is going to take more time.
  • cwilson715
    cwilson715 Posts: 130
    Thank You! I think I might give it a try. Coldhound do you think you could ask your mom how much she charges per hour and about what the average price it ends up being.

    Thank You!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I do this on the side. I charge by the page. I made over 500.00 on one book I did. I figured a supply cost and then tacked on what I charge for my time per hour and came up with 15.00 a page. I will do them for less if they want something more simple than my norm. I am just finishing one up that I am only charging 10.00 a page for. It is mostly letters from her mom and group family photos. Her mom was a simply kind of lady and she thought the scrapbook containing her letters should follow that theme. So I kept it simple, which made it go by much quicker and I will make b/t 150.00 and 200.00. I also work, so this is just a side thing. I don't advertise it. It has just sort of been a word of mouth thing. I also alter clipboards. I started doing that for bday gifts for my daughter's friends and all these moms are calling me now to make them for their neices etc. There is money to be made, but it is time consuming and it is much more difficult making pages of people you don't know. So much thought goes into my personal scrapbook pages. It is quite difficult to to add personal thoughts to pictures when you have no idea who the people are. Good luck. I hope it works out for you.
  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member
    I'm not terribly creative myself so that is definitly something I would pay for. Also, if you have a camera all you need to do is buy some props (like seasonal and recreational) and you can make a little "set" and do inexpensive photos for families and parents, or parties, etc. I've considered doing that myself since portraits anywhere else are so expensive these days!