Low Glycemic Diet and Sugar Cravings

I have PCOS, but am not obese ( I would like to lose 10 - 15 lbs). My doctor recently told me I need to follow a low glycemic diet to prevent the PCOS from progressing in the ways that are typicall (weight gain, heart disease, diabetes, etc.). So I bought some books, have begun to educate myself, and dove in. The biggest problem I'm having, is that by the end of the day, I'm craving sugar, and/or bad carbs - way more than ever before!!! I admit my diet isn't always the healthiest, but I'm trying to change that. How do I get over the cravings? I'm not going to improve my health if I completely blow it at the end of everyday (and it's not from consuming too few calories - and since low GI foods are supposed to satisfy for longer, it shouldn't be actual hunger). Is it normal to have intense cravings when starting a low GI diet?


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yes, it's normal. Your body goes through withdrawal symptoms of the bad stuff. When I first started my weight loss journey two things helped me through sugar cravings. Chewable vitamin C and cinnamon capsules. Many people that are diabetic use cinnamon capsules to regulate their blood sugar.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I also have PCOS/Insulin Resistance. The best thing I ever did was follow the protein plan from The Diet Solution. My cravings all but left (except around that time of the month...but that is hormones, not sugar). I HIGHLY recommend this program. I am a healthy weight but have never felt better with this plan.

    Keep it up though...it will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself!
  • jaerene
    jaerene Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks to both of you. It's good to know the cravings are normal - I'm not just doing something wrong! I can power through it, if I know there is an end in sight! I'll have to try the cinnamon capsules and vitamin C - thanks for the tip edorice!

    heathercrist1 - I have not actually been found to be Insulin Resistant yet, but my understanding is that it usually is an underlying cause, whether it shows up that way right now or not, so I'm trying to be proactive! I will look into The Diet Solution. I don't think I've heard of it. Thank you!