p90x for kids? MFP FOR KIDS?



  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I have found with my daughter (who is 10) that whenever she is not doing something organized, she starts to gain weight. She did baseball for three years, and by the last year, that was about the only reason she stayed in it. She was upset because "it's all boys" and she didn't like being one of only two girls who played. We sign her up for gymnastics during the off seasons of whatever sport she does, so she did that again for a while. She loves it, but she is so uncoordinated its almost painful to watch her out there. But it keeps her active and since she enjoys it, I am not going to stop her. Then this year at school, they didn't get enough girls for the basketball team, and they opened it up for her grade. She got very excited and tried out, and made the team. She absolutely loved playing basketball. It's all girls (yay!) and it kept her very active. Now that the season is over, we are going back to gymnastics for a couple sessions. We probably won't sign up over the summer (we get outside a lot anyway, and this year adding my health goals will make that even more likely, AND it saves a good chunk of money!), and then it will be time for basketball again.
    I hope you find something she enjoys. I know it can be hard. Mine can be soooo picky. What about ballet or tap classes, or a cheer team in your area? There are lots of possible things she might qualify for, so it is probably just a matter of finding that balance between what she enjoys and what is available.
  • cnjbarry
    cnjbarry Posts: 91 Member
    I was alway the fat kid, then all of a sudden I wasnt! I grew out of it around 11 or 12 and the I was thin. Once I had my kids it was a different story but I wouldnt worry about it too much.
    I think the best thing you can do is to teach her to brush the comments other kids make off. Especially if she dosent want to do the workout with you or join a team of some kind. My kids love to work out with me but some kids just arnt into it.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    For starters, I would get her a complete check-up including bloodwork with the pediatrician to rule out thyroid issues, etc. This might be beneficial as her diet is not bad, but somehow there is extra weight on her. I know kids don't like needles, but that will rule out any underlying issues.
    I saw your location on your profile and I believe there are some good pools and a few ice rinks in/around the area. You can check out USA Swimming for programs, USA Hockey, and USFSA for ice skating instruction. If those are a no-go, how about karate? It can be self-paced and good for self-defense. I understand that these sports can be expensive. After these, how about school programs/sports teams? Have you checked into local youth centers or after-school youth programs offered by your city/county?
    The best bet would be to immerse her in lots of different activities and let her pick the one she wants to do. Of course she might change her mind often about which one to do, but eventually she will find on that makes her happy and you happy because she is happy.