Darn Elliptical Causing Numb Toes?



  • phatdiva26
    OMG!! I thought it was just me!!! The good thing is that it goes away instantly after getting off the elliptical:happy: I :heart: the elliptical!!!
  • bparsont
    thanks for all the information. I was wondering the same thing. This web-site rocks. :flowerforyou:
  • jerseyshorenurse
    jerseyshorenurse Posts: 47 Member
    Sets in after about 20min on the elliptical, from constant pressure of the 'pedals' against the ball of your foot. When I start getting that sensation, it lower my stance a little bit, more into a squat, and make sure I'm pushing through my heels for a minute or two. Or do the same and go in reverse which feels a little more natural. You can also try picking your feet up off the pedals at the top of the revolution, but I find it a little awkward and makes me look like a dork (not that that stops me :o) But at any rate, alleviate the pressure on the balls of your feet/toes for a minute or two and it goes away.
  • iamwildarose
    iamwildarose Posts: 19 Member
    My husband gave me the oddest expression when I told him. I told him I was having issues using it. He got on the machine to try it out for himself and told me that HE does not have a problem. So helpful....
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    You shouldn't be on your toes on the elliptical. Your foot should be flat on the pedal most of the time.

    If you have to get up onto your toes to move the pedals, you may have set the resistance level too high for your current level of fitness.

    That's not only bad for your poor toes, it's giving you a false sense of calories burned.

    You should be on that elliptical with flat feet and your fingers just barely grazing the hand rails. The hand rails are there for balance only! If you are supporting your weight on the hand rails, you are really deceiving yourself about the calories expended, as you are not moving your full weight!
  • iamwildarose
    iamwildarose Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions and knowing that others are having the same problem is a little comforting at least!
    I have swinging arm bars that I use. I dont have to get up on my toes to get it going so I think my resistance is on a good setting. I try to be really aware of my foot placement. I try to make sure that my heels are connecting to the pedal. I cant go backwards because I will loose my balance! I will try to get the pads for the pedals. I have tried with my old shoes with the same problem- I thought the new ones would help but not the case. I will try everyones suggestions!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Are you using a home machine then, rather than one at a gym? Maybe if you post the model you are using, other folks will be familiar with it and might have more specific suggestions. ;)
  • nashkim
    I have the same problem, and loosening my laces, as well as shifting my feet, wiggling my toes, helps. I'm certainly glad to see it isn't just me!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Loosen your shoelaces. It used to happen to me but I started wearing my shoes a little looser and it no longer happens.