Well I gained 3 lbs!

Grrr I am so frustrated. I had one bad night with lots of booze and then I gained 3 lbs. The bad night was tuesday, and yesterday morning and this morning the scale has said 194. UGH! Oh well I guess. I'm in the process if quitting smoking AGAIN. Today will be day 2, god I hate quitting, but I don't want to get lung cancer so I suppose I can do it...lol
Anyways, wish me luck on these 3 lbs being water weight and on the quitting smoking! lol Thanks everyone have a great day!


  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Grrr I am so frustrated. I had one bad night with lots of booze and then I gained 3 lbs. The bad night was tuesday, and yesterday morning and this morning the scale has said 194. UGH! Oh well I guess. I'm in the process if quitting smoking AGAIN. Today will be day 2, god I hate quitting, but I don't want to get lung cancer so I suppose I can do it...lol
    Anyways, wish me luck on these 3 lbs being water weight and on the quitting smoking! lol Thanks everyone have a great day!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Grrr I am so frustrated. I had one bad night with lots of booze and then I gained 3 lbs. The bad night was tuesday, and yesterday morning and this morning the scale has said 194. UGH! Oh well I guess. I'm in the process if quitting smoking AGAIN. Today will be day 2, god I hate quitting, but I don't want to get lung cancer so I suppose I can do it...lol
    Anyways, wish me luck on these 3 lbs being water weight and on the quitting smoking! lol Thanks everyone have a great day!

    Good luck hun!!!! You can do this!!

    Trust me, I am frustrated too! Been on a plateau the last 2 weeks. I think I will go on vacay next week, chill out a bit (Not cheat, but just not stress over the scale), keep eating right, be as active as possible, come home and see what happens. Maybe my body just needs a break. (It's gone through a lot the last few months)....

    Anyway, you will be ok!! Just get back on track girl!!! :bigsmile:

  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks :) It just sucks because I was only bad the 1 day and I've been good all the other days. Oh well I suppose I can't dwell on it. I hasven't really been drinking as much water the past couple of days either, so maybe I'm retaining fluids..who knows! You definately deserve to take a mini slack off session, but be CAREFUL! lol You don't wanna come home from vacation to see u've gained 5 lbs. Anyways though, I know you r too smart to do that, I just felt it needed to be said! lol
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks :) It just sucks because I was only bad the 1 day and I've been good all the other days. Oh well I suppose I can't dwell on it. I hasven't really been drinking as much water the past couple of days either, so maybe I'm retaining fluids..who knows! You definately deserve to take a mini slack off session, but be CAREFUL! lol You don't wanna come home from vacation to see u've gained 5 lbs. Anyways though, I know you r too smart to do that, I just felt it needed to be said! lol
    Yeah, I have a super strong willpower....I will be OK! :) Just have to say no to my grandpas homemade biscuits and gravy!! :sad: :sad: Not really going to slack off from eating right, just slack off from the scale and stressing! But maybe after losing 90 lbs in 10 months, my body just needs to chill before continuing on.

    I think summer and hot weather might have something to do with it! I have asked around and a few poeple have said they are more bloated and retain a lot more in summer. I have noticed the last few weeks that my rings are super tight and my hands almost hurt with being so tight. And also, I can't figure out how the body works! I mean, on days I don't work out, I eat 1400 cals. On days I do work out and burn 750, I eat around 1800 cals (Which gives me a net of like 1050) (The elliptical actually reads 850 but I lower it because they are often off)...so with those numbers, all logic says I should have lost SOMETHING!! I just don't get it sometimes!! :laugh:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I hear ya...you're probably right about retaining water, I mean if your rings are tight, then u must be retaining water! Come to think of it mine are tight too...lol YAY! the mystery is solved. Thanks tami! lol Anywho...yeah 90 lbs in 10 months is phenomenal, so I am sure at some point your *body does need a break to kind of reset itself. I know Plateau's suck I have hit a few along my way too. I got over the last one by going off my plan for 2 weeks *I wouldn't reccomend that* I kept on eating healthy foods and being active, I just stopped tracking and evidentally was eating more or less or something because after the 2 weeks I got back on track and had only gained 1 lb back and then dropped like 4 in 4 days. So maybe a vacation is just what u need as well. No stressing allowed on your trip :)
    *lmao I had to edit up by the star b/c I had typed in BOY instead of BODY hehehe madlibs!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I hear ya...you're probably right about retaining water, I mean if your rings are tight, then u must be retaining water! Come to think of it mine are tight too...lol YAY! the mystery is solved. Thanks tami! lol Anywho...yeah 90 lbs in 10 months is phenomenal, so I am sure at some point your *body does need a break to kind of reset itself. I know Plateau's suck I have hit a few along my way too. I got over the last one by going off my plan for 2 weeks *I wouldn't reccomend that* I kept on eating healthy foods and being active, I just stopped tracking and evidentally was eating more or less or something because after the 2 weeks I got back on track and had only gained 1 lb back and then dropped like 4 in 4 days. So maybe a vacation is just what u need as well. No stressing allowed on your trip :)
    *lmao I had to edit up by the star b/c I had typed in BOY instead of BODY hehehe madlibs!

    LOL! You're funny!! Yeah, so weight-loss in summer might be a little weirder with the water weight. I am always like "Oh let me drink MORE to get rid of it" but that sometimes backfires and you end up retaining a TON! I think my scale might be messing up too!! Stupid thing!! Like, when I step on, I will see like 177, then it will JUMP to 180.5! LMAO..which is what it's been the last couple of weeks. Almost like it is stuck there!! Who knows!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    yeah..go buy a new scale :laugh: lol j/k...I like to try and blame it on my scale ALWAYS!
    I suppose I gottsta go give baby girl some sweet potatoes and oatmeal for breakfast...again. All she will eat is sweet potatoes, carrots or squash lol forget bananas, apricots, pears, peaches...weird little angel baby. lol Anyways, I shall return! :) Have fun...OH Another thing, maybe u drink a couple of glasses of tea? It's a natural diuretic and might help with the fluid retention :heart:
  • neha
    neha Posts: 67
    Adding a ticker, that counts your days for smonking might help. put it up at MFL. We will keep supporting you n helping you avoid smoke.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    thanks neha :) I gotts myself a "quit meter" I really hope I can stick with it this time...it is too easy to just go buy a pack grrr