Hard when food is so good

Man, it is hard not to eat certain food when they are so good. I workout today and lost it all to my inability to turn down eating zaxby's...:sad:


  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    This happens to me sometimes, especially late at night when dinner starts to wear off but I'm not ready for bed yet. One thing that helps me (besides sipping on water and pouting) is to think about all the times I have given in, and how bad it makes me feel. I love yummy food as much as the next person, but I always hate that feeling in my stomach I'm left with afterwards. I can't say I always win the battle, but being more conscious of what will happen as a result of giving in helps keep me from falling off track!
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    By the way, you can't beat yourself up too much about it. Tomorrow is a new day, just keep moving forward and make it count! :wink:
  • maffydavison
    maffydavison Posts: 51 Member
    Man, it is hard not to eat certain food when they are so good. I workout today and lost it all to my inability to turn down eating zaxby's...:sad:

    I'm not familiar with Zaxby's, but I can understand the situation. I tried losing weight by just working out (still eating whatever I wanted). I managed to stay the same, but I didn't lose anything. I should be grateful, since I could have gained a lot if I hadn't worked out, but it was an awful lot of work for what felt like NOTHING. I was not happy about it, and started with MFP to make sure that if I spent all this time working out, I sure as he*k wanted to make sure that I lost weight!

    If you want to see results, you'll have to mix diet and exercise. I'm sorry. I wish it weren't true, but it is. Make Zaxby's a once-per-month restaurant, and spend the rest of the time eating right and working out. If it's occasional, then you can still see your weight going down without completely giving up the food that tastes too good to resist.

    Good luck! Stay strong! You can do it!!

  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Man, it is hard not to eat certain food when they are so good. I workout today and lost it all to my inability to turn down eating zaxby's...:sad:

    Should be no reason why you can't have the good stuff... as long as you stay under your calorie goal! I guess with some food that might be hard to do... heck a Outback Steakhouse Awesome Blossom is like 2000 calories alone and you haven't even gotten to your dinner yet... or drinks!

    The big key is don't be hard on yourself if you do have a cheat day. Remember you didn't put the weight on overnight and it is not going to go away overnight either!