Need Some Friends and Advice

I joined MFP about 3 weeks ago, but started trying to lose weight the middle of January. I think I'm doing a lot better about watching what I eat, and have been working out each week. Lately my weight isn't really going anywhere, I'm not seeing much of a change, and I apparently suck at taking my measurements (in one attempt I can get a few different measurements in one place) So, I need friends, motivation, meal/snack ideas, workout ideas. I'm up for anything. I'm tired of feeling down when it seems like I'm not getting anywhere, then I just want to quit working out and eat whatever sounds great. And don't be afraid of hurting my feelings. I would much rather have someone tell me exactly what they think so I can get on track and do what I need to do. Feel free to peek through my diary or send me a friend request.


  • Slamaral
    what is an average day for you? what things do you normally eat? what exercises do you normally do? how long do you work out for? It's hard to determine how to help you without some of these details. I may be able to help, last year I was able to drop 50 lbs just by changing some of my lifestyle habits
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Hey, welcome!

    Since I see you are tracking sodium, I guess you know that you eat a lot of sodium. Also seems to be lots of "treats" and not much healthy foods. The canned vegetables are loaded with sodium too. Never mind they taste yucky.

    Most of what you have eaten for the last few days has been processed food, so lots of sodium. Few vegetables, few pieces of fruit, and you seem to be eating mostly carbs. This is a recipe for weight gain, no matter how few calories you eat. The fact that you are staying within your calories (mostly) does not make up for the lack of nutrition and variety in your meals.

    Eat more whole foods....things that don't come in a box or frozen or from a package (like pizza rolls and canned veggies).

    The only way to lose weight is to eat nutrient dense foods, such as whole fresh fruit & vegetables, lean protein, lowfat dairy. Stay away from sugar. No more than two pieces of fruit a day. 100% Whole wheat bread and crackers, one small portion of cereal and a single portion of nuts daily. For fats, eat 2-3 total portions daily of any of the following: raw nuts, avocado, olive oil or coconut oil, OR regular cheese. You may have one portion of butter instead of one of the above.

    Shop on the perimeter of the grocery, not down the aisles.

    Buy a $20 food scale to measure portions.

  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    what is an average day for you? what things do you normally eat? what exercises do you normally do? how long do you work out for? It's hard to determine how to help you without some of these details. I may be able to help, last year I was able to drop 50 lbs just by changing some of my lifestyle habits

    Well, lately I've been eating Raisin Bran in the morning with skim milk and a pizza roll up (Made with whole wheat tortilla, pizza sauce, Laughing Cow cheese, and turkey pepperoni) and then whatever we end up having for dinner. I eat random snacks through the day (usually 2 that are around 150 cal.) I think I'm staying right about on target for the number of calories. I stay home with my 9 month old all day, so I'm usually trying to grab something really quick that doesn't take a lot of time to make. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred almost every day. I've been thinking about adding something to my workout, but have had trouble finding time so far.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey, welcome!

    Since I see you are tracking sodium, I guess you know that you eat a lot of sodium. Also seems to be lots of "treats" and not much healthy foods. The canned vegetables are loaded with sodium too. Never mind they taste yucky.

    Most of what you have eaten for the last few days has been processed food, so lots of sodium. Few vegetables, few pieces of fruit, and you seem to be eating mostly carbs. This is a recipe for weight gain, no matter how few calories you eat. The fact that you are staying within your calories (mostly) does not make up for the lack of nutrition and variety in your meals.

    Eat more whole foods....things that don't come in a box or frozen or from a package (like pizza rolls and canned veggies).

    The only way to lose weight is to eat nutrient dense foods, such as whole fresh fruit & vegetables, lean protein, lowfat dairy. Stay away from sugar. No more than two pieces of fruit a day. 100% Whole wheat bread and crackers, one small portion of cereal and a single portion of nuts daily. For fats, eat 2-3 total portions daily of any of the following: raw nuts, avocado, olive oil or coconut oil, OR regular cheese. You may have one portion of butter instead of one of the above.

    Shop on the perimeter of the grocery, not down the aisles.

    Buy a $20 food scale to measure portions.

    I have noticed there being too much sodium in my diet. I'm having trouble finding things to eat that I can make really quick (lunch and breakfast) or that the rest of my family will eat at dinner time. I guess I really need to find a reliable source for meal and snack ideas.

    Do you have any suggestions for getting more fresh veggies in my diet? I've never really paid much attention to what I'm eating so now I'm honestly a little clueless when I try to go shopping for vegetables or fruits as far as what to get or what to do with them. I have to have something fairly quick, or that I can make ahead, because my youngest daughter is very demanding of time right now.

    Thank you so much for posting some ideas and taking time to look through my diary. I really want to get a good plan that I can follow through with.
  • Slamaral
    Well, lately I've been eating Raisin Bran in the morning with skim milk and a pizza roll up (Made with whole wheat tortilla, pizza sauce, Laughing Cow cheese, and turkey pepperoni) and then whatever we end up having for dinner. I eat random snacks through the day (usually 2 that are around 150 cal.) I think I'm staying right about on target for the number of calories. I stay home with my 9 month old all day, so I'm usually trying to grab something really quick that doesn't take a lot of time to make. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred almost every day. I've been thinking about adding something to my workout, but have had trouble finding time so far.

    reading your other response, I can try to help you some. when you get fruit, get a variety of fresh fruit...whatever kinds you like...and make a fruit salad...just chop it up to bite size, you can freeze it, and pour non-fat yogurt over it when you're ready for it, or just put it in the fridge over night. you can also eat it w/o yogurt. If you want to put it in the fridge over night I suggest squeezing lemon juice over it so it doesn't turn brown, the lemon juice also provides a nice flavor. With veggies what I like to do is get some plain white rice and whatever frozen veggies I like and if I have a steamer that sits on top of a pot of water I'll boil my rice and steam my veggies at the same time. And I'll eat that by itself, it's a little plain and flavorless, you can add lemon juice to it, or maybe even some fried shrimp, or other meat that you like. You can also do veggies in a low fat ranch dip. The best advice I can offer is to try to stay as much away from salt, butter, and cheese as possible, using it sparingly if you have to use it. Check out the food network website online, there should be some great low fat, easy, fast dishes you can make. I hope this helps!
  • coxy1968
    Hi add me as a friend, drink loads of water, im trying to get 6 pints a day into me which is a whole lotta fun when I am a rep and travel alot....

    This is my 2nd week and i have lost 9.5lbs, there is a lot of support on this site..
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    It looks like you need more Whole Foods, foods that aren't processed! I went through your food diary a little bit and it definitely looks like you're not eating enough fruits and veggies! Try your hardest to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and/or veggies per day! You should also shoot for 2-3 servings of dairy and atleast 6-8 glasses of water! This will make a tremendous difference! I had lost quite a bit of weight 3 years ago after I had my daughter and I found out that I often did the best when I loaded up on fruits and veggies.

    There are lots of great recipes on this site in the recipe section! people are always willing to help you find something! There's lots of supposrt here!

    I've also sent you a freinds request! :D