Combating Hunger?

I get these days every so often where I am absolutely starving all day long, even after eating..... I try and spread my daily calories over throughout the day so that I have room for a few snacks, but any suggestions on super low cal foods or ways to get rid of these hunger pains without eating over my calories?


  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    make sure u are drinking enough water!! :happy:

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  • Simonscat
    Yeah water could be it.
    But maybe the calories you're eating just aren't enough.

    Try rice cakes for low cal snacks..I love them :) oh and low fat cottage cheese :)
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    celery and carrots
    anything that is filler
  • FightingFourty
    Just started couple days ago but been "dieting" all my life. I found that Natural Peanut Butter really works to stop those hunger pains. Eat it on a rice cake or by itself. Hope this helps.
  • heatherfrancis
    I AM IN THE SAME BOAT!!! Starving all day and try to do anything I can just to burn more calories so that I can eat more food. I think my problem is, is that 1, I am training for a half marathon and running a lot which makes me hungry, 2. not drinking enough water, and 3. drinking too much diet coke which is supposed to make you hungrier. I always laugh when I read peoples posts about not eating their exercise calories, because I am totally different. I have a rest day 1x per week and I have to stay under like 1600 calories and that is tough. I eat every 2-3 hours and am awake from 5:15-10:30 or later everyday. I probably could use more sleep (another reason I could be hungry as well) I wish I had more advice for you. One thing I used to eat do is drink something after every bite of food and that seemed to help a lot!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Protein helps me. For quick easy no-cook protein I like Zone bars. For quick easy cooked protein I like eggs.

    If I snack on carbs, especially sugar or simple carbs, the cravings and hunger get worse, not better.
  • agutierrez1
    Hi everyone!! One good tip I learned from a Dr. from the hospital I work at said Oatmeal is a great filler for breakfast. He also added what we always hear "if you drink flavored water when you have snack urges you are less likely to grab eat something you are not supposed to". Its a mind thing!:drinker:
  • suliah
    suliah Posts: 8 Member
    Soups! I eat a whole can of soup for a meal, and at the end I'm so full that I have no desire to touch any food for the next 3-4 hours. It's the fact that I felt FULL, not just satisfied, that keeps me out of the kitchen longer. A whole can of soup is only about 220 calories too. Also hot tea or my treat is the no sugar added hot chocolate-- works for the chocolate craving but keeps me in check!
  • ellen1980
    Thanks all! Love the rice cake idea and the natural PB (LOVE PB!). Will increase my water for sure, I also have been having a green tea or herbal tea of some sort when I get those hunger pains. It's so weird. It's not all the time, just a few days each month where I could eat the entire contents of my fridge!!LOL

    What's everyone's stance on diet caffeine free soda? I use to drink one/day, but gave it up, but I really enjoyed it - a zero cal "treat". Is it bad for you even if it's zero cal?
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Plain 0% fat Greek yogurt kills any hunger I have. A serving is 100 calories and to that I add a little (<1 teaspoon) all natural fruit jam to sweeten it up. It has much less sugar than the flavored yogurts and Greek yogurt has a good hit of protein.

    I also must say, sometimes I have what I call "bottomless pit days." Those days I am NEVER full and feel like I could eat all day. When that happens I eat small things constantly throughout the day, e.g. English muffin w/PB for breakfast, yogurt as mid-morning snack, banana as another snack, whatever my lunch happens to be, veggie sticks throughout the afternoon (maybe w/some hummus)...I will keep grazing but I make sure what I am grazing on is a good choice.
  • iamkatyg
    I try to avoid all grains so whilst oatmeal will fill you up its also not that great for you. I am trying to eat paleo, it definitely accelerates the weight loss once your body gets used to it... black coffee and coke zero are my friends for stopping the hunger, although i wont drink coffee after 1pm!!

    I successfully managed to just give away my kit kat chunky that was in my drawer at work so i didnt eat it! hoorah!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I also must say, sometimes I have what I call "bottomless pit days." Those days I am NEVER full and feel like I could eat all day. When that happens I eat small things constantly throughout the day, e.g. English muffin w/PB for breakfast, yogurt as mid-morning snack, banana as another snack, whatever my lunch happens to be, veggie sticks throughout the afternoon (maybe w/some hummus)...I will keep grazing but I make sure what I am grazing on is a good choice.

    Ugh, I have those, too, and I try to do the same. It's really hard sometimes!