Cell Phones and Driving

RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
Was sitting at the light last night. In the left turn lane to turn East. The cars that were turning from Eastbound to Northbound were passing right in front of me. Counted 7 of 12 with a phone to their ear. No texting. However ,at the next light, the lady in front of me was texting and I had to honk to get her attention when the light changed.

Oregon passed a law last year making Texting and Talking on the cell phone (without a hands-free device) illiegal. Doesn't seem to have deterred anyone at all.

I would love to hear from those people that believe they can text and talk on the phone while driving without it affecting their concentration or safety.

If what I see on the road is indicative, then there has to be about 50% of you that feel you can disregard this new law.

I'd love to hear why.

By the way, when my daughter started driving, I made her sign a contract. If she's caught texting or talking on her cell phone while driving, she loses her driving privileges and her car.

I'll share my feelings about it. If I could get away with it, I would snatch the phone from people's hands in traffic and smash them.

That's just my opinion. I REALLY DO want to hear your opinions.


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Texting and Talking on the mobile phone (without a hands-free device) is illiegal in England, doesn't seem to have deterred anyone here either!

    makes me really anrgy!
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    I didn't have a handsfree for a long time but I'd use the speakerphone on my cell. Now my car has bluetooth so I just push a button and talk.

    As for texting, I don't text while driving. HOWEVER, I have been known to text at a red light (ie to my husband when I'm picking him up - "at light, start coming out" - so he's ready when I get there. it literally takes about 5 sec because I have it saved as a template and ready to go). With my health issues I've also had to text for help since i didn't want to alarm my daughter, so that my husband or somebody could meet me at a parking lot and then drive me, but again, at a red light or pulled over.

    I think most folks have common sense enough not to fully text while driving, but we have to pay for the stupidity of a few who deserve to be thinned out by Darwin by having ridiculous laws.

    BTW, we have a zero tolerance on cell phones while driving and now texting while driving. Guess who I see doing this ALL THE FREAKIN TIME? COPS AND SCHOOLBUS DRIVERS.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ill talk while driving....even though i really dont do it often. im not taking my eyes off the road while talking, so i really dont see any difference in talking on the phone and talking to someone in my truck. Texting is a big no no to me though. but what about people who are stuffing their faces while driving? that is dangerous too because your not giving you attention to the road fully.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Do you go precisely the speed limit without going over? If so, why?

    Have you ever changed a radio station when your eyes should have been on the road? Had something to eat while driving while perilously removing your hands from the 10-2 steering position?

    Have you ever talked to a passenger, trying to make eye contact while keeping your eyes on the road?

    Have you ever had just one too many before driving home?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    All people are going to do is put their phone down when they see a cop. They know it will be hard to catch them and that's why they keep doing it.

    People are more concerned about getting caught than the safety issue at hand. For example, every person I know that goes out drinking says they have to be careful about driving home later because they don't want a DUI. Not one person ever says "because I could get into an accident and hurt someone else."
  • mapinkerton
    I agree with you totally! Hubby and I were hit on his motorcycle by a 21 year old girl that was on her phone. She also hit a bicyclist and put him in the hospital 2 years earlier in Bend Oregon. She has a rich daddy that pays for her cars and insurance. IF she was my daughter, she would be walking! She was cool as a cucumber. She got out of her car walked around and STEPPED OVER MY HUSBAND laying in front of her car to see the damage to the passenger side of her car.

    While we sat on the corner waiting for the dealership to come pick up the Harley (it wasn't drivable) we watched the people going through the intersection (residential neighborhood). Over 75% were on the phone!

    Use of cell phones will driving needs to be banned TOTALLY. And there needs to be strict laws with major punishment if you are caught driving and using a cell phone. Fines should be doubled if it is determined you were on the phone at the time of an accident.

    Just my opinion.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Texting and Talking on the mobile phone (without a hands-free device) is illiegal in England, doesn't seem to have deterred anyone here either!

    makes me really anrgy!

    Same here in Ontario, Canada. Police have a blitz on currently but again, not many people seem deterred. I think even hands-free is distracting.

    So sad, I'd love to see the stats on accidents involving cell phone useage.
  • aschultz9
    Speeding is illegal also, people still do it. I see people actually reading books and putting on mascara on my commute to work. It all falls under inattentive driving so I don't see why they had to make a "special" law about texting. I talk on the phone (don't text) while driving. That's not illegal here though.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    There needs to be some STIFF fines- $1500- or a weekend in jail... if caught texting or not using a hands free, and police need to enforce it and it would deter people from doing it it.
    I know 5 people killed by either texting and driving or someone else texting while driving.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I agree. Here in VA they will not ban cell phones while driving. I'm sure banning doesn't make much of a difference but every little bit helps.

    Maybe they made a "special" law about texting but it is so important. Just about everyone speeds but that doesn't necessarily mean they are being inattentive or taking their eyes off the road. My commute to work is so familiar I could fly down my country roads (I don't). It's when their going at high speeds or suffering from road rage that it becomes a problem.

    I couldn't imagine trying to type while driving. That is impossible. The scary thing is it's the inexperienced drivers doing this.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Someone posted this on FB the other day and I just had to share.....it's kind of hilarious and a little disturbing.....

  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    Someone posted this on FB the other day and I just had to share.....it's kind of hilarious and a little disturbing.....


    O_O ew. disturbing is right.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I agree with you totally! Hubby and I were hit on his motorcycle by a 21 year old girl that was on her phone...

    This one time, a completely attentive driver hit someone and ran out of the car and helped that person.

    My point is that anecdotal evidence is no reason to make generalizations.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I agree with you totally! Hubby and I were hit on his motorcycle by a 21 year old girl that was on her phone...

    This one time, a completely attentive driver hit someone and ran out of the car and helped that person.

    My point is that anecdotal evidence is no reason to make generalizations.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It seems to me when ever im driving somewhere the people on the road driving the worst are the ones on the phone.
    Almost got in a fist fight with a lady in the wal mart parking lot,she was so distracted talking on her phone she almost hit me and my daughter turning into a parking spot.
    I snatched her phone out of her hand and tossed it across the parking lot,im a little suprised she didnt bring the cops in on this but all the witnesses were on my side.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    doesn't take much

    I agree, it's not just the cellphones, a truck driver here kiled people because he took his eyes off the road looking for a mint that fell on the floor of his vehicle. But the point is, you can try and control mobile phones in vehicles, or speed or wearing a seatbelt, and it DOES save lives. There will always be exceptions.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    You seem to hate my opinions haha :)

    I don't live in OR..but this is my -Opinion/Policy-

    Here in Houston we have a no cell phone within a school zone law..I think that's totally appropiate.

    I will talk on the phone while driving but everyone I talk on the phone with knows that I will ditch them in a heartbeat if I feel like I need to do something important or traffic is dicey or whatever. I will hang up without even saying goodbye if necessary. Moments like these include if I see a lot of traffic slowing down and I cannot see why, I'm approaching a heavy duty danger zone (IE major interchanges on the highways in Houston) or if someone is weaving..etc etc.
    I do NOT text and drive. I pull over. Or at least wait until I'm at a complete stop and keep an eagle eye on the light. If the light changes before I'm finished tough cookies for me it's a freaking text message.

    I've had a few people in my circle die from drunk driving and I've heard a lot of stories about accidents and text messages. I just don't want to be the one that kills someone because of a stupid thing like a text. I drive an Expedition when I'm with my kids and that is practically a tank if it hits a smaller vehicle.

    The way I see it - we are *adults* we need to act like it and really do we REALLY need to be jabbing away when we're doing something that requires our full concentration? I use my headphones to chat, I hang up liberally when I feel its needed due to driving conditions and I pull over to deal with texts.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Do you go precisely the speed limit without going over? If so, why?

    Have you ever changed a radio station when your eyes should have been on the road? Had something to eat while driving while perilously removing your hands from the 10-2 steering position?

    Have you ever talked to a passenger, trying to make eye contact while keeping your eyes on the road?

    Have you ever had just one too many before driving home?

    You never gave your opinion.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    All people are going to do is put their phone down when they see a cop. They know it will be hard to catch them and that's why they keep doing it.

    People are more concerned about getting caught than the safety issue at hand. For example, every person I know that goes out drinking says they have to be careful about driving home later because they don't want a DUI. Not one person ever says "because I could get into an accident and hurt someone else."

    In some states, they can now confiscate your cellphone if you're in an accident, specifically to check if you were on the phone or texting while driving! Maybe that will get some folks' attention.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Almost got in a fist fight with a lady in the wal mart parking lot...

    This one time, I tore the radio out of someone's car because he was changing the radio station while driving. Threw it all the way across the parking lot.

    Again, anecdotal evidence shouldn't define policy.