Anyone using MFP while pregnant?

LeaAnnKolb Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I was on my way from 250 to 150 (big goal) and made it to 183 when I found out I was pregnant. An amazing miracle that my doctor is actually attributing partially to my weight loss. But now, with my CONSTANT EATING to stave off my 1st trimester nausea, I've already gained 15 pounds back. I stopped using MFP about a month ago because I just couldn't figure out a way to track the food I am supposed to be eating now, versus solely tracking calories.

Is anyone else out there pregnant and still succesfully using the site? How are you doing it? I need to get back into it, to help keep my weight gain healthy.

Thanks for any advice! :smile:

Lea Ann


  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    You should ask your doctor what is a safe calorie goal for you while pregnant, and try to consume those amounts. If he says no need to diet, you will just work hard after the baby is born. This is a miracle for you, bask in the glory of being pregnant. Try to do moderate exercise like walking or swimming to keep active. Congrats on your awesome news!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Congrats on your miracle!! I agree, talk to your doctor and they should tell you how many calories you need to be eating at each trimester, and you can still use this site to make sure you are staying within those calories!! I really want another baby, and I'll still be using this if that ever happens! Best of luck to you!

    I would use it if I got pregnant again. I was very conscious when pregnant because I was already overweight, so I talked to my Dr. a lot about it. First of all, never under-eat. The first trimester all you need is what your normal intake to maintain your current weight would be. So if your BMR is 1600 calories, eat 1600 calories a day. During the second and third trimester you need anywhere between 200 to 300 extra calories a day. That's it! The baby is so tiny they barely need anything. When I had my daughter I was amazed at how little she needed the first few days. A lot of people thinking it's unhealthy to track yourself when pregnant, but it's actually the best thing you can do. It helps you make great decisions when it comes to food, which really is the best thing you can do for you and your new blessing. The most important thing you can do when pregnant is listen to your body. The average person should gain about 25lbs when pregnant. I was very overweight (210lbs), so I only gained 4lbs, and it was perfectly healthy. Talk to your doctor, they will tell you everything you need to know about how much you should gain. Lots of luck and congrats again.
  • ailysys
    ailysys Posts: 25 Member
    Hey! I'm about 7 weeks pregnant and planning on using MFP throughout my pregnancy. I've been very sick, so I haven't been logging cause I can barely keep anything down to begin with. Once this little phase passes I will start logging again. I found this Calorie calculator for pregnancy, and will use it as a guide as to how many calories I should be eating (with ok of my doc of course). Good luck to you, and congrats!!
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