Health and Exercise Science Majors (or similar)

✿KẙMb529✿ Posts: 152
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I'm going back to school to pursue my Bachelor's in Sports and Health Science and I was curious to hear from others who are either going to school for this or who have graduated with this type of degree. I would like to have some friends who have been or are going through the same studies I will be going through and I also want to know, if you already have your degree, what type of work are you doing? I decided on this major because it has been the only consistent hobby/passion I have maintained since high school and I decided if I'm going back to school, I'm going to go and learn more about things that already interest me. Thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to hearing any replies!:happy:


  • doutri2
    doutri2 Posts: 186 Member
    I started pursuing that degree in my undergrad and wish that I would have stuck with it. However, I was freaked out about having to dissect a human cadaver in my Anatomy and Physiology class. Also, I was not mentally ready to tackle Kinesiology back when I was only 19-20 years old, especially when I was only interested in becoming a PE teacher. I ended up with a Psychology degree instead, which later I went back to become a Family and Consumer Science teacher (Home Ec) so that I could teach high school kids about Food and Nutrition.

    I think if I went back now as an adult, it would be a different story (except for the cadaver- I still couldn't handle that.)

    Good Luck in your pursuits.
  • I started pursuing that degree in my undergrad and wish that I would have stuck with it. However, I was freaked out about having to dissect a human cadaver in my Anatomy and Physiology class. Also, I was not mentally ready to tackle Kinesiology back when I was only 19-20 years old, especially when I was only interested in becoming a PE teacher. I ended up with a Psychology degree instead, which later I went back to become a Family and Consumer Science teacher (Home Ec) so that I could teach high school kids about Food and Nutrition.

    I think if I went back now as an adult, it would be a different story (except for the cadaver- I still couldn't handle that.)

    Good Luck in your pursuits.

    I'm going through American Military University and it's all online, so there will definitely be NO cadavers involved...*shudder*
  • michis05
    michis05 Posts: 99 Member
    i just started school and thats my major! i am sooo excited!! however i am only taking general ed stuff since we move to georgia in the summer i didnt want to start the classes towards my degree. However it is something that interests me alot. When do you plan to start?
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm going to school for Athletic Training and Nutrition. I started schooling for Pre-Optometry, and realized that there was no way I could sit in an office all day. The only thing I'd ever been passionate about up to that point was sports, so I chose Athletic Training. The more I was around the athletes, the more I realized that I wanted to be like them. Then I started working out, choosing healthier foods and BAM! 70 pounds gone. That's what sparked my interest in Nutrition, and this summer I'll be completing my personal training certificate as well.

    i'm still a student, but it's a wonderful atmosphere to finally be surrounded by people who understand and are passionate about the same things as you are, but maybe have different concepts and ideas about fitness and nutrition, and we all motivate one another.

    Within the next two years, I should be able to get a job at any high school, college or medical clinic as an ATC, meaning I can do rehab on injuries and work with athletes at any level.
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