Personal Trainer and muscle aches!

So on Tuesday I had my first session with a personal trainer. Well, he was more of a consultant, but he really kicked my *kitten* hard to see where I'm at. It's been two days and I'm still hurtin'!

I have another session with my permanent trainer tomorrow at noon, and I'm just a little concerned about the muscle aches.

It was painful enough the first time around without the aches, and I really want to work hard tomorrow!

So, my question is does anyone have any good little tips on how to lessen the muscle aches? Will a bit of Yoga on my Wii-Fit help them out? Any good stretches I can do? Etc.

Thanks in advance! :D


  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I recommend a couple advil, some good stretches and lots of water. When I had my personal trainer that was what he suggested whenever I was super sore. Also don't forget to stretch before and after your workout with the trainer. It does wonders to help lesson the day after pain.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    I do a yoga DVD to stretch. Stretching always helps. But, you need to learn to love the pain. LOL Once you get warmed up in the workout the pain goes away. It'll be back after you're done. The pain is good, though. I find myself doing new workouts just to get the pain back LOL.
    Also, get some protein powder and drink it before and after the workout. That should help rebuild your muscles a little faster. And take a good multi-vitamin.
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    Yes, a bit of jumping and arm movement will help. But KEEP IT SLOW.

    Better accept that at times you will have to take it easy, especially when you're only beginning. Seriously, the risk that you strain yourself is quite huge. Then, you may not be able to do anything for weeks.

    Tell your PT that you're in pain. He's go easier on you too. And he'll find a muscle or two that isn't aching just yet :)

    You're in for a number of sessions that will result in pain. Most likely, you'll have quite severe muscle ache after every training, at least the coming 10 sessions. Then, you may hardly notice it, you won't any longer be in pain the morning after. That's when you realize that you're a lot fitter.

    After half a year or more, you'll find that you can remove muscle aches through a light work out in the gym. The day after, you can already go for the heavier stuff.