Help...I think I am addicted to food...



  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Lexis, Reading your post makes me cry too. I have struggled all my life with being overweight. You putting it into words like that is exactly how I feel. The night thing is to a tee for me too. I am married and have 2 sons. I also struggle with not being able to get rid of all the bad foods. I don't buy them but my sons feel they shouldn't have to live without them so they are brought into my home. My husband is the same way. I know they all love me and I love them dearly.
    Accountant, I appreciate your post too. I am struggling to find the motivation to stick with it but am taking one day at a time. I started tracking again yesterday.
    I am in a vicious cycle with having arthritic knees also. I know that for every lb I lose, it takes 3 lbs pressure off my joints. The doctor explained that to me. Some days they hurt so bad though, I get discouraged and feel like giving up. I'm not going to but need to push myself. I am very definately an emotional eater for the same reasons listed above.
    My plans are to read posts every day for any encouragement from others that feel the same way I do and draw strength from others as well as try to mentally get myself engaged to do this. I know I can! Thanks everyone for your wisdom!
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    I feel I am the same way. That's all we talk about at work. where, what, and when and sometimes about the next day to. I work with a great person but she has bad eating habits and I find myself wanting the same thing she does. I tell her everyday we need to eat healthy. She is very small and dont have to worry bout her weight although she wants to be healthier. I try and try to do better but the junk just takes me over. I even bring my own meals sometimes but when I do the weight watcher meals and any healthy meals my sugar drops everytime so it's just not enought but eating 2 of the meals are to much for me. I dont have the will power to just eat the way I should. I'm at a lost.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I also have found that I love food so much and I do think about it all the time as well!

    But here's what I'm doing - I'm altering my thoughts towards PLANNING my HEALTHY meals instead of planning trips to the drive through! I'm reading everything I can find on healthy alternatives, and on foods that help keep me feeling full to stave off that "I'm starving, I have to stop and get SOMETHING" feeling, which usually results in a fast-food binge!

    You know who else thinks about food all day long? Rachel Ray! Have you ever seen her on TV? She has SEVERAL cooking shows, plus her talk show where she talks about food and cooks at the end of the show. And do you know what she does when she gets home from her very long work day? SHE COOKS for her hubby, because SHE LOVES FOOD!

    But somehow she has learned to LOVE food, without LLLLOOVVVINNGGGG food, if you know what I mean! She's a tiny little thing, and I know she exercises, but she must be a master at portion control as well!

    And gee, for her, all that "thinking about food" has also turned into a line of bestseling cookbooks!

    I love the advice you've gotten already on this post - thank you for starting it! So, of course, first of all, PLAN PLAN PLAN! Pack meals and pack snacks so everything is handy, less chance of bad choices.

    Then, READ READ READ! Start right here on MFP, read the different posts that address what you're looking for - take a peak at the recipes here and find some things that appeal to you, so that you're thinking of that healthy dinner you can't wait to make and serve tonight instead of the "fast food" that would be easier, but you KNOW it's not what you REALLY want to have!

    Good luck, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, and just imagine a thinner version of your already terrific self!

    Ice :bigsmile:
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    I want to thank you for the website on your post. I think I have many triggers. I have been told that there's something deeper that I deal with but have trouble finding something. I know I eat when I'm stressed, bored, upset, in social situations, etc. I think I really need to dig to try to overcome these. I may go back and read and reread this post to help me work through this.
  • sandradickie
    sandradickie Posts: 40 Member
    "Outing yourself" is the best thing for you right now. Food is not your friend! It may be comforting now, but results of overeating leave you feeling alienated from who you really are, others around you, and who you want to be. Any of this hitting home?

    Step 1: Get a journal. This journal should serve two purposes. Purpose #1-- Everyday you need a new mantra. Write this at the top of your daily entry (i.e., Food is not my friend! Food is not for comfort, it is to fuel my body only for what I need to do.). Purpose #2--Let those feelings out. Write them down and tell your journal exactly how you are feeling so you're not damaging your body with these feelings.

    Step 2: Get a week of progress under your belt. It will be a horrible week, but this is essential for your journey. After this horrible week you need to have something great set up for yourself. A reward (i.e., salon, day spa, shopping). It has to be something you really love, but cannot revolve around food at all.

    Step 3: Make a list of To-Do's. You have to stay busy. This will help with weight loss (being active) and will also help to distract you from your hunger/desire to eat. You will feel like you're accomplishing more and gain some confidence. This will help to get on your way to meet your goals.

    Step 4: Don't be so hard on yourself! There are good things about you. I know this and I don't even know you. Some positive self-talk can go a very long way. You are not only trying to lose weight, but you are also on the road to LOVING YOURSELF.

    I hope that this helps. I do therapy with overeaters and these are some suggestions I have given to my clients. If you want to talk anytime, let me know. I am here.

  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for your points to how to move on with our emotional eating. I know I am going to try very hard to work at this. Free advice is always welcome. One thing I have learned is you can read all the advice and use what will help you! Thanks again!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    This is becoming my fav post. I will come back to it when I think I need to put something in my mouth. Instead I put something positive thought in my mind. Dreaming about sucess can be powerful!
  • princesschikee
    I'll say it sucks having something have that much control over you. Whether it be food, cigarettes, alcohol, working out, etc. But we are strong enough to overcome our weaknesses. I'm not saying there is only one answer. Just as there are probably several reasons why these addictions have a hold on us. It doesn't make us any less of a person. Sometimes we just have to step out of the box, take control and beat it with a stick.
    You might try setting some short term, mid term, and long term goals and write them on paper. They tend to make you accountable if it's written down.
    I found that having the same routine every week, helps keep me focused. I have my cardio set for certain days as do I have my weight lifting routine. I also plan a weekly menu for my family that way everybody knows what's for dinner each day.
    Sometimes having sticky notes posted on your mirror, in your car, above you sink with positive comments will help build confidence. My notes have comments that start with I am, I have, I will. See yourself the way you want to be in the future and write what you see using those beginning statements. EX. I am losing body fat and reaching my goal weight of XXX. Another example in your case could be, I strive to constantly improve my body and see food to help me look good and feel good. Always make it a positive statement. Visualizing is so powerful. It's time to change your subconscious mind. WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT REPEATEDLY EVERY DAY IS EVENTUALLY ACCEPTED BY YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND AND YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND GUIDES YOUR ACTIONS ON AUTO-PILOT. Since we become what we think most of the time, whatever we are thinking now, we are unconsciously moving toward the achievement of that thought.
    Food can be our friend. It can help us get stronger (along with weight lifting) by eating the proper macronutrients and it can build our immune system and also help us reach our weight goal.
    Remember, there is no one right answer.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Loved this post! I copied and pasted it into an email to myself. Plan on putting it into action. Thanks!!
  • lexis0911
    lexis0911 Posts: 50
    I am loving this post too!! I come back to it often and re-read what everyone has commented. I have started some of the suggestions already!! thanks everyone!! xoxo
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I really liked princesschickee's stickie note idea. I had written these down at one time and forgotten about them. Let's write some sticky notes today!

    I am a healthy person
    I choose healthy foods
    I practice portion control
    I exercise regularly
    I drink plenty of water
    I am confident this I will lose weight
    This is my life style