At home cardio?

kathrynarnold Posts: 69
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone know of any at home cardio work outs? I'm a stay at home mom, so I can't really get to the gym to hit the treadmill and all that, but I am going to try to get some cardio in while my kids are napping. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. =)


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    dancing! Cardio boxing is really great too...those are the two that I do...just google some moves, or watch some youtube to get a routine if you don't have kinect or wii
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom as well. I workout to 2 Biggest Loser dvds- Power Walk (which is more of a light workout) and Cardio Max.
  • JoanCG
    JoanCG Posts: 22
    I do the Just Dance on Wii....makes me sweat!
  • vartanfan71
    vartanfan71 Posts: 62 Member
    walk away the pounds videos by leslie sansone! They are awesome and go by fast!
  • jillMoose
    jillMoose Posts: 45 Member
    kickboxing - tae bo!
  • p90 x has 3 videos that can be used for cardio and you dont need much more than a place to workout and a stool. Cardiox, kenpo x and plyo X are all cardio burns that can be done. Good luck!!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Any Billy Blanks Tae-Bo DVD will get your heart going, you can check our trial moves etc on his website , and you don't need an expensive games console - there is usually a 10 minute workout on the DVDs too, so useful if you are stick for time!

    Tae-Bo is one of the highest calorie burning workouts I know, and it's fun because if someone has annoyed you then you just imagine it's them you are pummelling, lol!!
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    Zumba dvds :)
  • mandyb84
    mandyb84 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a mom of a 3yr old and 1 1/2 year old so I like to sneak in 30 min shred by Jillian Michaels. Dance workout dvd's are super fun but I am terrible at learning the steps so it's not a good choice for me. You may like it though!! The Biggest Loser workout DVD's are great.
  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    For me, there's nothing better (and cheaper) than a jump rope and maybe some jumping jacks.
  • mandyarostegui
    mandyarostegui Posts: 17 Member
    I love Turbo Fire and The some of the newer Firm videos!

    Also, Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism is awesome!

    If you have the Wii, Just Dance is always fun to get the kids involved with, too!
  • Yeah at home cardio is great!!! I started doing it last week. I Also read that its best to do it first thing in the morning before you eat because then you are burning the stored up fat and calories and it will shed the pounds faster than just eating then it just buring those calories.
    I have found some workouts that are 10 minutes and really get you sweating and things and others that are longer. Definitly check out and type in at home cardio for women. Then there are some good ones you can follow along or look at several of them and make a rountine and combine them!!

    Good luck and its great to be at home at do it !! :)
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    Any Billy Blanks Tae-Bo DVD will get your heart going, you can check our trial moves etc on his website , and you don't need an expensive games console - there is usually a 10 minute workout on the DVDs too, so useful if you are stick for time!

    Tae-Bo is one of the highest calorie burning workouts I know, and it's fun because if someone has annoyed you then you just imagine it's them you are pummelling, lol!!

    I love Taebo too. Started getting into Jilian Michaels DVDs too, my body is becoming super-toned :)
  • I love her walk at home videos. I do those as well. I have on Demand with Time warner cable. Great great exercises
  • If you have Netflix, there are a bunch of fitness/workout Instant Play options. I found one for Kickboxing Bootcamp that I loved! Plus, you can change it up each day, whereas if you buy a DVD of something, you are kinda stuck with that one option.
  • Wii Fit or Zumba DVD's. Great cardio workouts! Good luck! Walking as well......up and down stairways for 20mins. :love:
  • In dorm room when I'm too busy to devote the time to get to the on-campus gym, I just turn on some music and go crazy. I dance like crazy in front of the mirror, pretending I'm preforming or on America's Best Dance Crew or whatever. My favorite is Glee music because you can really get into the "preforming" part. Then add in jumping jacks and those fake jump-ropers, jumping up and down and moving your arms like you have a jump rope without. Just as long as you keep your heart rate up, I burn like 300 calories in a half hour according to my HRM. It's a lot of fun :)
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    I love Tae Bo. It has been an integral part in my 91 lbs weight loss. I highly recommend the "Get Ripped" series. I bought the DVD set that has two DVDs and I believe it contains 6 workouts. The instructional workout, two basic workouts, two advance workouts and an 8 minute fast workout. I have been using these DVDs for years. I worked my way up to the advanced workouts and now go back the basics as a change of pace. I still feel the burn in the basic ones. I also have the newer Tae Bo DVDs with the "amplifier" and I'm not a fan - keep it old school. I do wear wrist weights to add intensity sometimes. I *heart* Billy Blanks.
  • carriep2010
    carriep2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Leslie Sansone, Walking dvd'd are great!!
  • JoanCG
    JoanCG Posts: 22
    If you have Netflix, there are a bunch of fitness/workout Instant Play options. I found one for Kickboxing Bootcamp that I loved! Plus, you can change it up each day, whereas if you buy a DVD of something, you are kinda stuck with that one option.

    Wow, I didn't know Netflix played fitness/workout vids. Thanks, going to check it out now.
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