Zumba anyone?



  • thenebean9
    i hope this makes you feel a little better about attending your 1st class and feeling silly. i've been doing this over 14 years and love to attend other instructors classes when i can. since every instructor has their own choreography and own style i have no idea what the routines are when i take another class. i stumble around like everyone else. i stand in the middle or back since i don't know the moves. usually the ppl in the front row are regulars and know all the moves. i feel silly at times but again, we are all there to have some fun and no one really cares how well you do. dance like no one is watching!

    Aerobicvic said it best! Even instructors (I'm one too! *waves hi*) get lost in other Zumba classes besides our own! My friend and I started Zumba in the far back corner, thinking we looked foolish, but you know what? No one is looking at you - everyone's looking at the instructor or just having a grand ol time! Just keep moving, smile, laugh, shake your hips and enjoy the hour your there - because it goes by FAST!! :D
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I'm gonna bet that you LOVED it.....Zumba is a blast!!
    Dance as if no one is watching; really no one is because they are all thinking bout the moves
    Hope you had alot of fun & that you remembered to take lotts of water