
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I actually read this whole thing, wow wow wow.
  • Kathy1966
    Kathy1966 Posts: 7 Member
    I have watched the show a couple of times. I have always wondered how safe it was. I guess I know now and will never ever watch it again! I know I posted it on my fb cuz I really wanted to get the word out how bad the show is!
  • For better or worse, I have always known that show by name, but never watched it. :P However, it is a source of inspiration for many, for better or worse as well

    I am now slim, actually skinny (:P), from being really overweight, but I did it naturally over the span of two years, going on until now. I certainly don't believe in miracle weight-loss systems. Doing it the gradual way feels right, as your body adapts to the new and reduced calorie intakes, as well as new exercises routines, helping stabilize your metabolism. Again, I am not sure how it works in the show, please don't kill me for not knowing about it!

    I wanted to share my views on the sub-human treatment of the overweight. It's WRONG. You are still a lovely and valuable human being on a specific life journey. Having said this, being "intentionally" overweight (by not doing anything about it) sometimes makes us feel not happy with ourselves as much as we could be, and it's certainly not giving ourselves the best treatment we could (I mean no offense... I was in the same boat!!!)

    So, the article does point some negative aspects of the show, and I certainly hate putting others down, regardless reason. But I think that most of us agree that it's not a excuse for us not to work hard at our specific weight-loss goals: just do it naturally: work hard at it, keep at it, but don't kill yourself!

    So yes, I ignore the quirks of the show, but just wanted to share that regardless, we should never stop getting healthier, which will eventually help anybody lose weight and stop being overweight in due time. It's not only about image, but about being proud of ourselves and our achievements, and being healthy. I must admit I didn't like myself much at some point during 2008, but it was not only due to being overweight (I should have loved myself regardless, but didn't; at least not enough.) But I decided to change all of that, and it HAS changed.

    In conclusion: we are lovely creatures with extremely positive potential, regardless weight. :) But for the very same reasons, we must take care of ourselves, and never stop aiming for our goals. And if that means looking even "better", in addition to being healthy, why not? :) (Not implying skinnier is necessarily better, but rather, healthier is better for you. Looking our best help us a ton, though, IMHO.) If the show is wrong, then so be it, but you still can and should live a healthy lifestyle regardless. My apologies for not knowing exactly whatever the show really advocates (I surmise it's speed weight-loss; but yes, you can still lose weight-and keep it off- in a healthy, non-demeaning way.) :)

    All I wanted to share is that we still can shed those extra pounds, whether we like the show or not. :) Don't do what I used to do a long time ago, though; love yourself with all your heart, since NOW.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
  • WOW the information the contestant is sharing is pretty serious stuff, I was shocked when I read it.
  • bump!
  • geri25
    geri25 Posts: 43 Member
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    WOW and to think I was going to try out for that show with my glad we didnt!! Thank You so much for sharing!!!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
  • i am really shocked!

    i watch all of the biggest losers, uk, usa and austrailia and i feel let down by the treatment of these poor people :-(

    eeek 2-5hrs of exercise a day - i would be dead

  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    bump for later
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    ok so while all that is awful it IS for tv. obvs they want to create as much drama and quick weightloss as possible.
    I always thought american biggest loser was quite drastic, but i did enjoy watching the australian one. I am not sure how scripted that one is but it actually had some interesting information...
    anyways it is reality tv, this is to be expected.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Although it's almost obvious it's not as it seems on the TV.
    No one can lose that much weight in that space of time healthily.
    Thanks for posting.
    I'll share.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    ok so while all that is awful it IS for tv. obvs they want to create as much drama and quick weightloss as possible.
    I always thought american biggest loser was quite drastic, but i did enjoy watching the australian one. I am not sure how scripted that one is but it actually had some interesting information...
    anyways it is reality tv, this is to be expected.

    What really bothered me about the Australian one is that the winner in season 2 was not doing it a healthy way. He was doing so much exercise and was not eating properly. In the end he looked ill not healthy.

    I would love to know what he looks like now. He needed to gain some weight.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    it actually sounds a bit over exagerated to me, if it was as bad as she said then it is bordering on criminal and they should be investigated.

    i cant beleive that it is as bad as she said.
    I tend to agree with you.

    My wife loves this show, so I usually get sucked in to watching it. We watched this week's episode last night, and I was telling her about this interview. Not 5 minutes later, at the next break, there was Kai doing some ad for BL. I'm not sure what it was, but she had a huge smile on her face and I believe she was wearing a BL shirt. Either this interview was a little exagerated and given on a bad day, or Kai is also a great actress. I'm not sure how they'd get that big of a smile out of her and cheerily doing an ad for the show she had so much resentment for.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    he aussie one did have more nutrition and fitness info tho. so i liked that.
  • Live2GlorifyHim
    Live2GlorifyHim Posts: 20 Member
    I love what she says at the end:

    "“Kill your scale. It’s ridiculous to measure your worth based on a number in a little box that you get on in the morning. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It has nothing to do with your worthiness. Nobody needs a reality TV show to be a healthy human being. And love yourself no matter what you weigh. If somebody comes up to you and tells you you’re fat or if somebody comes up to you and tells you your beautiful — that has absolutely nothing to do with who you are and everything to do with who you are. And remember that.”"
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Bump for later reading...
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    Bumping for later, too.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    omg...this is terrible!! I always wondered how they would lose all this weight in just a week. This helps me appreciate my small victories.
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