Having a day

Personally, I'm very thrilled with my weight lose - since finding MFP I've gotten my head together and got back ON my program, stopped going out to dinner and started excersing every night.. but I feel like its pointless right now.

Hubby was doing the program with me - lost his 35 lbs in no time flat and was going to maintain the lose. This morning he announced that he is going to go UNDER his goal by 15 lbs. I'm happy he wants to be thinner but right now I'm sort f wishing he woudl understand that i can't lose that fast and right now I need the support a bit

i KNOW I'm being whining and should be cheering him on, but I'm not going to deny it I was attracted to him originally for his height and weight (yes standing next to him I didn't quite feel as big as I was) so not I STILL feel like I'm the round ball of jelly next to him and its going to get even worse.

When we go out people immediately see his loss but not many people say anything to me ...

Like I said I KNOW its whining but I'm worried I might sabitoge either myself or him... GRRR :(


  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    i totally get what you are saying...my guy is one who just says he'll exercise more and 8 lbs disappears on him without him actually doing anything, it kinda drives me crazy

    having said that...you aren't losing the weight for him..you are doing it for you
    he just gets some of the perks of having a healthier, fitter more most likely friskier woman to be with

    don't try and compete ( learnt that the hard way ) with him
    just keep doing what you do...putting one foot in front of the other
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Kill him.


    Don't be jealous. Be supportive and get a voodoo doll and shove cookies in it's mouth.

    Men just do things totally different than girls. You can't change that. Hange in there. You can do it. If he was getting fat would you be bothered that you couldn't eat as much as him?

    I know it sucks I haven't seen the scale move in forever, but inches are showing up. You just have to stay the course. :)
  • shmarlyboo
    guys lose faster then women...ALWAYS! Esp. in the midsection which is SOOO annoying! My guy doesn't workout half as much as me, nor does he eat as healthy and yet in a few weeks he can slim down while i'm still working on my first 5 pounds! You can't let it get to you! Stay strong, stay motivated, and you will see results! :)
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    First, congrats on losing 50+lbs! that's fantastic and you should be very, very proud of yourself. Second, I know where you're coming from. My boyfriend is 6'1" and weighs no more than 140lbs (he's a walking stick) and there are times that i feel super pudgy and gross next to him and i hate how he can eat whatever he wants haha.

    Men lose weight so much faster than women so don't feel discouraged that you can't keep up...no woman could!
    I'd definitely try to talk to him and voice your concerns. Also, you could use this as an opportunity to boost your weight loss. Work out together, motivate each other, etc. see if you can adopt some of his weight loss habits.

    just keep thinking of how good you'll feel and how proud your husband will be, and how all of your friends will notice when you finish losing all your weight.

    it's all worth it. don't get discouraged! good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • Georgie_P
    Men lose weight so much faster than women so don't feel discouraged that you can't keep up...no woman could!
    I'd definitely try to talk to him and voice your concerns. Also, you could use this as an opportunity to boost your weight loss. Work out together, motivate each other, etc. see if you can adopt some of his weight loss habits.

    thanks for the comforting words - I know that those terrible men lose faster lol teasing I love my sailor so much its just I wish he could understand at 197 and 5'3 I'm still Jack Sprats wife .. andthere are days that no matter what I think it hurts.

    His way of dieting is SUPER funny - Beer, chips watch football, and maybe go walk a mile while I run -- AUGH!!

    all in all he is a great guy and supportive just today i feel like a Umpa Lumpa
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    Don't get discouraged. My hubby is in the best shape and it drives me crazy. But that is part of my motivation. I actually do compete with him, because I am a highly competitive person and that's what pushes me.